children are being abducted and disappearing in Puerto Galera, Mindoro
Island. A young boy had his eyes and guts cut out in nearby Baco town.
and six-year olds have been sexually abused by foreign pedophiles with
impunity in the Philippines. Young girls are being sold to US troops on
R&R in Angeles City. It's just sex trafficking as usual. Where have we
failed? This week the European Union is debating the trafficking of
persons. They have much to learn and a hard task to stop it.
This evil trade in vulnerable, poor and exploited women and children
devastates the lives of millions. Just how many, no one knows. They are
recruited with false promises of good jobs then tricked into debt,
threatened and rendered docile and submissive by fear of beatings and
brutality. This we have to stop.
Small children from Pakistan and Bangladesh are sold as camel jockeys to
rich middle-eastern states, some are as young as three and four years
old and are deprived of food and sleep to keep them skinny and under
weight so as to be the lightest and fastest jockeys. Some have been
sexually and physically abused to control them. Others fall and die
under the pounding hooves of the racing camels.
In the Philippines, as many as 85,000 Filipinos mostly women, are
recruited abroad yearly as domestic helpers and nurses and other jobs.
Many end up in forced sex slavery. Rupert Cook, a famous radio
journalist told how Lanni, a young mother with a sick son in need of an
operation, took a domestic servant job supposedly in Paris but was
diverted to the Ivory Coast and sold to a sex bar run by a Taiwanese.
There she was forced to be a prostitute and take four customers a day.
She was treated like a slave with eleven other Filipino girls trafficked
in the same way. Lanni saved for a cell phone and then contacted her
relatives and was rescued, one of the rare few. The Philippines is on
the US tier 2 watch list for failing to convict traffickers.
Officials in Washington assured me that they are already investigating
Filipinos linked to trafficking under the US complicity law under which
any Filipino public or private person shown to be complicit in the sex
trade or trafficking can be brought to trial for violation of human
rights wherever they are committed. In Britain, they can be charged
These laws might be used against those permitting and allowing the sex
industry to thrive in the notorious pedophile sex resort of Puerto
Galera on Mindoro Island three hours south of Manila.
Children as young as six to twelve years have been trafficked to foreign
pedophiles. The innocent children dressed in pretty dresses were sent to
the pedophile's beach houses under the guise of selling shells and
trinkets. They were taken inside and made to perform sex acts on foreign
tourists. The investigation was soon blocked by powerful people.
Last week, alarming reports from Puerto Galera told of the abduction of
young children. Parents and teachers are in panic. A white van has been
seen in the area where several children disappeared. The most notorious
area is between Calapan town and White Beach. The mysterious murder of a
young teenager boy found with money in his hand and his internal organs
and eyes gouged out near Baco a few weeks ago is believed to be a
revenge killing by a pedophile slave master from whom the boy ran away.
A news black out has kept this out of the press so far.
United States of America and NATO commanders are trying to implement a
zero tolerance forbidding troops to frequent sex bars. This is proving
hard to do especially in Korea, Okinawa, Japan and Angeles City in the
Philippines. Pimps and mamasans boast openly of the good business they
do in busing young girls to the GIs on R&R after anti-terrorist training
missions. Universal jurisdiction and police action is needed to stop
this trade. The suspects must be charged in any county irrespective of
where they committed the crimes. This is the only sure way to end the
impunity of offenders. They may evade justice at home but not abroad.
By Fr. Shay Cullen, mssc
PREDA Foundation, Inc.
Upper Kalaklan,
Olongapo City 2200
Postscript on our 9/21/05
Oct 6, 2005, FBI Widened its inquiry into the
Aragoncillo-Aquino spy case to include the period in which Mr.
Aragoncillo worked in the White House. PNL also hopes the
inquiry will extend to the "Be Not Afraid" Movement that Aquino
belonged to.