ith Manny "The PacMan" Paquiao's definitive win in his rematch against Mexican Erik Morrales, we ask ourselves: can his victory unite us in pride and respect for one another?

We overseas Filipinos are oftentimes our own worst enemy. We distrust each other; we warn foreigners to be wary of Filipinos when they travel to the Philippines; we view our country's technical expertise as always sub-standard and never up to par, and we make fun of the way Pinoys do things.

In other words, we Filipinos always see the glass as half-empty when it comes to our country and its people. It's time we all started seeing it as half-full! It is time we started respecting one-another and telling our foreign friends the great and wonderful things you can find only in the Philippines. This all may seem a bit Pollyannaish at times, but hey! we've been selling our country short for so long, it's time we started doing the opposite.

Which brings us back to Manny Paquiao, who worked hard and won fair-and-square...not just for himself, but for Filipinos everywhere. So we say: "Mabuhay ka Manny Paquiao!" and "mabuhay ang Pilipinas!"

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