Philippine Traffic Reflects Pinoy's Lack of Discipline

f the eyes are windows to the soul, as the popular saying goes, Crawling in bumper-to-bumper traffic near EDSAthen the driving habits of Filipinos are a reflection of their character. And that character, for those who've visited around Metro Manila lately, is an unruly, undisciplined, and arrogant one.

Road courtesy, by North American (and international) standards simply does not exist in Philippine roadways. Click to Email MalacaņangBus and jeepney drivers drive as though they own the streets; young kids weave in and out of traffic endangering themselves and other on the road; executives in SUVs rush through intersections forcing crossing pedestrians to jump out of their way. In short Pinoy drivers seem to be completely devoid of proper driving habits and road courtesy. They may even hold the distinction of being the worst drivers on earth!

But before we jump to any conclusions, take a look at Filipino-American or Filipino-Canadian drivers. Then look at Filipino-Australian drivers; look at Filipinos in the UK and other parts of Europe. They all have the requisite driving skills that Pinoys in the Philippines lack. So it all boils down to education! Drivers in the Philippines lack the education and training needed to become "good" drivers.

It is therefore not the Pinoy character that is to blame here, but rather it is the failure of government (both past and present) Philippine buses along EDSAthat has never taught its citizens the proper use of its roads and highways. It is now high time for the government to step in and mandate a comprehensive Driver's Education course for all high school students. Combine it with an on-going mass media campaign aimed at developing correct driving habits and we might see changes begin to happen in our lifetime.

As eyes are windows to the soul, our driving habits reflect our collective character. And what tourists and foreign businessmen now see is an unruly and undisciplined people that they best stay as far away from as possible.

Click to Email Malacaņang

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