A Toast to the Unsung Heroes of Our Republic

With the Philippine Peso strengthening against the US Dollar, the country's economy is showing a robustness unimaginable even just a few years ago. This positive series of events are the direct result of OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) sending money home to the Philippines. They are beyond doubt, the country's modern-day heroes. With that, we revisit an article we wrote a few years back.

espite the smell of diesel fumes, the piercing rattle of two-stroke tricycle engines, or the incessant honking of automobile horns; in spite of the typhoonsYou can now find Filipinos in most major capitals of the world and their accompanying floods; even in spite of all the corruption scandals, and kidnappings and bombings--an air of optimism is taking hold in the country.

For overseas workers, who spend their Holidays far away from family and friends it is yet another sacrifice that is offered up for the sake of providing for their family. It is the overseas workers laboring in the streets of the Middle East, or North America, or Australia, or Japan; the domestic helpers toiling in Hong Kong or Jeddah who are keeping the Philippine economy afloat--their remittances totaling in the billions of dollars annually. It is through their sacrifice, that Philippine politicians and businessmen can afford to live their lavish lifestyles.

So if you happen to be a Philippine government official or Philippine business executive reading this, before you indulge your palate with your power lunches in exclusive restaurants in and around Manila, pause for a moment, lift up your glass and offer a toast to the OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) for they, not you, are the true modern-day heroes of your country.


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