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Selected Comments
(Topic: How Filipinos Can Stop China Now)

Name: JRH
City/State/Country: Montreal, Quebec
IP Address:


The Freedom of Navigation & territorial claims are now the major conflict between the U.S. sea power against land-based Chinese military installations including submarine bases in the disputed artificial islands or islets. The Chinese want full control of the whole area. Bilateral negotiations are outright rejected by China, be it with Vietnam, Malaysia, Vietnam, or the Phils (weak link). It's obvious that China is circumventing a lot of international norms. As suggested by PNL, Filipinos worldwide must have the heart & courage to challenge these claims by China. The appeal to Filipinos abroad is noble & patriotic indeed but the question is...will it work? It's a tall order but is it attainable? Let's answer them first.

Name: Art1234
City/State/Country: Gotham city
IP Address:


Agreed mostly with the article. If China's current leaders have not learned to live in peace and respect the rule of international law, and still cling to Mao's saying that 'diplomacy comes out of the barrel of the gun', the world will realize the dangers of China's bullying, with Filipino's and the press telling the world what China does, and not what it says. Then, China's aggressiveness in the disputed waters and it's problems at home, will backfire on itself, as the world and it's own people will work to bring it down.

Name: FilKanadianEH!
City/State/Country: Winnipeg, Canada
IP Address:


I think we should start boycotting Chinese products and services to begin with; also, avoid visiting/touring Hong Kong and other parts of China; lastly, our OFW's should seek employment in other countries except China! At least we can do these things without going to war!

Name: john
City/State/Country: Angeles city
IP Address:


This is the time to test those politicians, who were promoted as high ranking officers without proof of being qualified . Go for it colonels...etc...

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


If you are a good student of history you must must have learned the lesson from Germany and Japan got. Both expanded their industrial base and engaged in a huge military build up. Japan had an awesome naval armada and Germany had an enviable air force. Then both invaded their neighbors. What China is doing now is a repeat of history. Its outcome is predictable. Larger nations joined in support of the smaller nations invaded by Germany in Europe and Japan in Asia.

Name: Steve R
City/State/Country: California
IP Address:


Remembering what some of my classmates told me before final exams, “answer all the easy ones first and select letter “C” for the rest of your answers. At times, the system worked. Will it work with what Filipinos do in response to China’s reefs and shoals grabbing? The easy answer is to Boycott all China made products as stated by a poster. Letter “C” answers include: FilAms, FilCanadians and all Filipinos who can vote in their new acquired country, must organize with primary mission to convince candidate and elected officials to vote for candidates and officials who are willing to vote for the strengthening of its military force in Asia as deterrence to China’s proclamation of enforcing the nine-dash line strategy.

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


" Unfortunately, the great majority of the country’s elected officials were elected not because of their ability to influence people and change minds, but simply because they had the right last name. President Aquino is no exception—nor are most Philippine senators and congressmen " --Unfortunate indeed-- but ain't that the painful truth!! AMEN!!

Name: blumntrit
City/State/Country: Pinoys can destroy U
IP Address:


So how can Filipinos stand up to China? Do your part like how to discourage people buying their products. If you are at Walmart, Home Depot or Costco say something about an item in hand where people could hear you say something like "Oh made in China must be toxic". "Made in China I got one it didn't last". "Made in China not again." Even some of the packaged food now are being changed/branded as made in America/USA to deceive consumers. There's some items you could hardly read the "made in China" written so small and the letters are colored yellow.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: uSA
IP Address:


This Editorial is rich in Patriotic fervor but poor on reality logistics. The reality is that Filipinos in the PHL hardly know or care about what China is doing. They see the Chinese Malls, Chinese Billionaires, imitation goods, Chinese all over. So what's the problem, they'd think? The reality is that no one can stop China except China itself. And I don't think it will stop occupying PHL lands until it has constructed a defense fortress that would prevent all sorts of unwelcome encroachment, the USA's included. The reality is that China has ARRIVED. Short of an all out war it is unstoppable. It's funny Filipinos in this Forum are wracking their brains & risking their blood pressure to rise while the Politicians in the PHL are thinking of nothing except how to get re-elected.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Food is not the greatest weakness of China as someone asserted. it is the expansion of credit. China had invested so much money outside the framework of its control. It would experience the Lehman Brothers phenomenon later on. Meaning borrowers would default on their loans. China made a contract with the people after the Tiananmen Square, that it will make its people richer if they do not engaged in anymore dissent. So I ask how long would China keep a 7.5% GDP growth? CHINA HAS NO FOOD PROBLEM. in fact, it is a food exporter and not an importer.

Name: Dakila
City/State/Country: Pilipinas
IP Address:


Rhetorically and desperation na mabago ang subrang KULTURA NG CORRUPTION at mga violent elements ng bansa, simula sa ibat ibang Mindanao faction organization, laban sa pamahalaan ng Pilipinas, mga tulisang NPA, CPP, at hindi ma'control na patayan nakawan sa boong Pilipnas, marahil mabuti pang sakupin na lang ng China ang boong Pilipinas, baka matutong tumino ang mga politico nating subrang CORRUPT. May batas na kamay na bakal, Execution yan ang parusa ng China, Gaya ni Mayor Duterte, kamay na bakal.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Let's be objective. Hating China will not make it go away. With the kind of wealth they have & the number of countries indebted to them they need to do something to preserve their new found status. And that is by establishing their hegemony in Asia. China was able to lull the West & everyone else with their cheap goods & labor. For decades they stayed silent & patient. They need not be silent & patient anymore. They have become a world power. It's just too bad that there are poor countries like the PHL that they could easily devour. But it is what it is & China must do what it must do.

Name: WDC
City/State/Country: California
IP Address:


Only way that overseas Filipinos unite against any aggressor in our country is to clean-up the government from the top all the way to the baranggay. No way that we Filipinos abroad will do something until these corruptions in the Philippines are completely stopped. If GMA sold our country to the Chinese, then as a start let us hang her or put her in prison for life. After her, next will be the Binay famly, Enrile and Revilla.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


A few days ago there was an incident where a US plane flew over the Chinese constructions only to be shooed away. If that incident caused a spark of hope that the US will do something more to make the Chinese pack up & go, that notion should be dismissed. All the US will do is issue warnings which China will routinely ignore. The US could fly spy planes over the area all they want but all that would accomplish is give the world some impressions that the US is doing something about it. It's more a face-saving operation than anything else. That spy plane incident has NOTHING to do with the PHL.

Name: Isabelle
City/State/Country: Toronto
IP Address:


Editorial- "What they are going through now will be what many other countries will soon be going through unless China is stopped." Very typical Filipino melodrama. The real question that will be asked by other countries will be-- "what's in it for us?"-- and that includes USA asking!

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


The Editorial asks, "Are we Pinoys up to the challenge? We better be or we can kiss our freedom goodbye". My comment: Even if the Pinoys are up to the challenge (and obviously they are not) they would not move a muscle because the Patriotic motivation is no longer there. The country has evolved into a cynical nation whose people have fragmented & scattered to the 4 corners of the world. Kick the Chinese out? What for? So greedy crooks & thieves like Binay could be installed as President & the culture of corruption preserved? Lose their freedom? What freedom? Pinoys lost it when Marcos took it from them in the 70s. It was never recovered despite all the platitudes & lip service.

Name: RUDY
City/State/Country: El Monte, Ca
IP Address:


Who among the present leaders have a respectable stature than Aquino? None. I DARE YOU TO NAME ONE who can sway world leaders to our side. Had he not swayed Indonesia's President where Australia's PM failed in the case of the drug traffickers? It is a matter of the other nations' interests that would decide on which side they will favor. Be judicious on your comments. I miss the editors of the past like Locsin, Roces and Quijano de Manila whose editorial works were balanced and full of wisdom. Let us first unite under our present leadership before we entertain satisfying our addiction to crab mentality.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


The Editorial warns that not being up to the China challenge would mean Filipinos can kiss their Freedom goodbye. This is precisely the problem. Pinoys do not know what to do with Freedom. They just can't deal with it. Freedom to them is like a complicated toy that they do not know how to operate & therefore cannot truly enjoy. Nations like men have fates. The way it looks the Pinoys are fated to just sit there & watch helplessly. Look how their political leaders treat them.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Filipino "Leaders" spend their most productive years savaging the people & each other. They would not waste their time in nation building much less fight countries like China. Besides the PHL that exists today is a negotiating & bargaining country where everything could be bought & sold. If we admit this reality then what China is doing would seem Karmic. Something the PHL deserves.

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


I would predict that if this recent world events will not change, China and Russia might form an unholy alliance just like Germany and Japan during WW II. The Wall of Sand that China is building in the Spratlys will crumble. Let us just be patient and wait. China will not risk any open conflict with the west. Don't be paranoid. China does not have the ghost of GENGHIS KHAN in her.

Name: Hit&Run
City/State/Country: ONTHEROAD
IP Address:


Let's change the editorial title to "How The US Can Stop China Now". It will be much easier to guess how and what the hellish outcome there will be. Plus, your contributors will even think that you're serious and not just playing games with them. As it stands now, I can almost see everyone groping for something nice to say about this write-up.

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


Let us stop kidding ourselves . Overseas Filipinos will never go out of their way to let Chinese know how unhappy Filipinos are. They will continue to eat Chinese food and to buy Chinese products sold in the US. Ask any Filipino if they are willing to accept a military draft to fight the Chinese navy in the Spratlys. You will all be disappointed with the reply. Ask yourself the basic question if Filipinos are truly patriotic. Ask if PNoy or Alfredo Lim are willing to lead the fight to keep the Spratlys? If they are, I will join them.

Name: kundi
City/State/Country: uk
IP Address:


First the Filipinos go to clean up their home get rid of politicians and generals as they are all corrupted, then bring in new minds and brave men and revamp the military and the air force and buy now fighter planes from Russia as they are more reliable and effective.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


WHY IS THAT? Filipinos should feel that a grave injustice is being committed against them by China occupying their lands BUT they do not feel injustice when their politicians steal from them? Ano yon? How can they expect other nations, especially predatory ones like China to respect their rights when they themselves do not. Even as we speak about China's intrusions larcenous Jejomar Binay is still no.1 in the surveys. So hindi sila puedeng nakawan ng Intsik pero puedeng nakawan ni Binay?

Name: Dakila
City/State/Country: Pilipinas
IP Address:


Ayon sa Editorial, Chinese will surely back down when they realize the whole world stand with the Philippines, hehehe. Matagal ng issue itong problema sa South China Sea sa pam bu'bully ng China at pag angkin ng maraming island sa South China Sea, ito na patunay na ang China ay kinakampihan ng United Nations at ng USA, DAHIL SA KASALUKUYAN HALOS MALAPIT NG MATAPOS MGA STRUCTURE NA TINATAYO sa islang inangkin ng China. Halos lahat ng bansa sa mundo ay nakikinabang in exchange trade/business sa China. Makipag guera sa China???? para kayung si Pacman, hehehe

Name: Dakila
City/State/Country: Pilipinas
IP Address:


Sa kasalukuyan, China economically on top at puwide ng makipagsabayan sa war technology ng America. China isa ng super power, hehehe ang sundalo ng China higit sa million, Arm forces ng Pilipinas at America iilan lang kung pag samahin, compared sa China? At ang USA hindi sira ang ulong makipag digma sa China. MARAMING PAKINABANG ANG AMERICA SA ECONOMIYA NG CHINA, (not to mention ang billiong utang ng America sa China, hehehehe, LOL...See? US Navy P8 Poseidon Advance Surveillance Aircraft lumayas palayo sa Spratleys ng itaboy ng Chinese. Leader ng United Nation ay singkit, (hehehe) hindi kakampihan ang Pilipinas, SURE yan dahil si Mr. Moon, UN Secretary ay mula sa
lahing Chinese, hehehe.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Filipinos living overseas will never be called upon to help except sending or repatriating foreign earned incomes. They are the disposable incomes to any beneficiary. They are the driving force of the economy. Consumer spending sustains economic growth. Without foreign remittances, the government has to borrow. Dual citizens could never influence structural changes; they could never run for office and become a catalyst of change. Fipinos overseas will always remain critics but never supporters.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


In the news: "NO WILL TO FIGHT." That's what the U.S. officials are saying about the Iraqi Army that's why the ISIS easily captured Armadi. What's ironic about it (bakit nagpuputok ang botse ng mga 'markano) a good number of 'markano soldiers died "liberating" Armadi from Sadam. Don't the 'markano get it, why they walked all over Iraq during the Iraq war? The Iraqis did not have the "will to fight" then also! Now Pinoys vs insect, Pinoys have the "will to fight" but with rationed ammunitions, might as well "beat their meat" (if you know what I mean) baka sakali pa!


Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Deal with local Corruption first, before Foreign intrusions.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


[Someone]: Re China's weakness. You said food, right? You seemed to have forgotten the expression "tubong lugaw" and "nursery rhyme: Insect makaw, kain lugaw". In other words, they will "improvise". Give them lemon, they will make lemonade. Whereas, a whole litson will feed only "five Pinoys", give them a pig and they will feed a "million people." Just like some "poor" Pinoys, they will cook that pig even if they have to cook it with grass- lots of grass to feed their people. If you understand what I mean.

Name: Gads Gallo
City/State/Country: Albany , NY
IP Address:


Phil govt., instead of wasting time and money toward BBL, they should divert their attention and take seriously in illegal Chinese construction in the Spratly islands. Our military weapons should be modernized and upgraded. Overhaul the military system. Give good salaries and Benefits to those who are serving in the military. Encourage young Filipinos to join in Army, Navy and Air force. The Philippines needs strong military to be ready at all times to any aggression. However, a diplomatic solution remains priority.

Selected Comments
(Topic: Pacman's Gamble)

Name: Steve R
City/State/Country: California
IP Address:


Manny Pacquiao can be called the Filipino’s face of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Good when won six or more world boxing titles, Bad when he entered politics and became a Congressman who gets full pay but only goes to work one eight of the time, his staff are paid full time and became an ugly Filipino when he scammed millions of boxing fans by being a one armed bandit during his May 2nd fight with Floyd Mayweather.

Name: Isabelle
City/State/Country: Toronto
IP Address:


A [someone] commented-- "Manny or Binay will never become president. Filipino voters will be stupid to elevate any of them to that position." I believe that it is kind of insulting to underestimate the stupidity of Filipino voters!

Other Comments

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


In the news: "Duterte: I Won't Run For National Post In 2016". That, because Binay wants Duterte as his running mate (Vice-President). That lead us to one of Pinoy's dirtiest jokes. It's been a "tradition" for Pinas if a Pinay won an international "beauty" crown to parade her around. In one such event, two friends were watching the parade. 1st FRIEND: "Pare, kung pasisipingin kang magdamag sa Pinay Miss Universei pero kinabukasan pupugutan ka ng ulo, payag ka? 2nd FRIEND: "OO 'ba! Miss Universe 'ata yan". 1st FRIEND: "Eh, kung ikaw rin lang, eh di ako na!" And Binay wants Duterte to be his Vice-President only? Nasisiraan na nga ng bait si Binay! Eh di si Duterte na (as President).

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Just to show how useless PHL Laws are look at the case of the convicted Mindoro Governor who is asking to be allowed to go to Italy. His reason? Since his case is on appeal at the SC his conviction is not yet final. And which is why he is still not in jail. If so then all convicted criminals must do is appeal their conviction on some flimsy technicality over & over again. And considering the snail's pace of the SC chances are the convicted criminal will not even see the inside of a jail. Convicted criminals should be jailed immediately and they could appeal from there. That how the law should be.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Aquino seems to be making himself part of the problem instead of the solution by his urong-sulong endorsement of Mar Roxas for President. It should be clear by now that Mar Roxas, as clean as his image may be, does not have any appeal to the voters. And Aquino cannot depend on Binay's weaknesses to get Roxas through. Roxas must have his own strengths to beat the competition. And that he does not have. If things go as they do now the 2016 Presidential elections will be another case of too little too late in the PHL. By the time Aquino finds a suitable candidate Binay may have already been elected.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


"Binay the man to beat", Aquino. This is an admission of how ineffective the PHL govt. is against criminals, particularly plunderers. The accusers had thrown everything against Binay, including the sink and the President is saying he is still the man to beat? What kind of govt. are they running in the PHL? In more progressive countries Binay would be a footnote by now, possibly rotting in jail. But in our beloved native land the President himself is saying this Crook is still the man to beat. And we are supposed to tackle China?

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