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Selected Comments
(Topic: Is Vice President Jejomar Binay the Manchurian Candidate?)

Name: Jorge Villanueva
City/State/Country: Canada
IP Address:


Binay has a dubious untrustworthy reputation and ought not to be touched except by a ten-foot pole. The Philippines has a better future without any of the Binay clan tow. In fact, I would say, the country is better off doing away with any of the age-old political dynasties that are interested mainly in the preservation of their interests than that of the country. The Filipinos should learn from past experience and the eroding culture of corruption.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Unlike the Manchurian Candidate Binay did not need to be brainwashed by the Chinese into doing anything unpatriotic. Binay motivates himself in doing that by his INSATIABLE GREED. Add his family's greed to his and we have a Perfect storm of a national disaster if this guy ever gets elected in 2016. He must be subdued by any means. This guy is like a disaster waiting to happen but everyone is depending on Surveys showing him to be losing points. That just is not enough. Someone with D/E Classes appeal will have to be fielded against Binay. Unfortunately only Joseph Estrada has that appeal.

Name: Art1234
City/State/Country: Gotham city
IP Address:


VP Binay should realize that PH already had bilateral negotiations experience with China during the Arroyo Administration when a Joint Seismic Survey in the Spratly's was denounced as a sell-out by PH to China. Ambassador Del Rosario also denounced the results of the PH and China bilateral talks during the Scarborough shoal standoff, which resulted in China taking control of the shoal. PH should not only investigate Chinese involvement in helping Binay's Makati scandals,.. but eventually the coming strong Chinese influence in the 2016 Presidential elections.

Name: Mandirigma
City/State/Country: Northwest Territory
IP Address:


I lean my back on the editor for his insight on Binay as a Manchurian candidate. If Binay wins the election Filipinos must be prepared by Binay's treason to sell the Philippines to China. Binay is an evil, China is an evil empire and it is likely that China will help Binay win the election so as to acquire all the territories that belong to the Philippines. China is Binay's only salvo to avoid being sent to prison with all the allegations of corruption thrown at him.

Name: Phil Researcher
City/State/Country: LA County, CA USA
IP Address:


Re: Why does Binay want Chinese support? Very simple, if you read the dozen Philippine billionaires (U.S dollars) listed by Forbes Magazine in their issue of billionaires all over the world (2014), in the Philippines there was only one Castillan..Enrique Razon Jr.. the rest of the first 12 were all Chinese some of them born here but others were born in China.. e.g. Henry Sy Sr. Practically, the Chinese control the Philippine economy..so Binay who is a very cunning candidate, of course wants the Chinese to back him up.

Name: jun sapote
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Binay will become a Chinese lap dog and a Black Sheep Philippine President! A Binay's presidency is a Sell-Out of our sovereignty to China. Better learn to eat rice porridge with chopsticks.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


This is just another reason why Binay should not be trusted. The man is definitely a "Manchurian Candidate" not just of China but whoever will meet his asking price. Binay definitely plans to parlay his wealth into an even bigger fortune by investing in China & all over the world & he will use the Presidency to achieve that goal. The problem is the D/E classes. What would these people know about "Manchurian Candidate?" The problem is how to neutralize their votes. Binay? He is the worst thing that ever happened to the PHL.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


Binay will try hard to win the Presidency to save his skin. Then Pinoys will worship him and forget everything. You know Pinoys.

Name: turmoil1
City/State/Country: Long Beach, Ca
IP Address:


The government you elect is the government you deserve" Now you see just what the Binay's are really doing. Are you really sure that this the sort of family dynasty in any public office. Honesty, ability to delegate, communication skills, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition, ability to inspire, with the bunch of wannabes at hand. So let's settle for honesty, humility, commitment, sense of humor, and positive attitude.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Your Vice President a commie. Better dead than Red. What does it matter you lost or sold you soul a long time ago. To be honest with you Filipinos should jump on the Chinese bandwagon and ditch the US. The US is in decline with Muslims and Black and Hispanics and Filipinos everywhere.

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Ed sez- "made into two classic films, the first with Frank Sinatra in 1962 and the second with Denzel Washington in 2004. “The Manchurian Candidate”, the 1959 best-selling novel by Richard Condon, told " LOL! When will we ever separate facts from fiction? No wonder we kept on having entertainers as president, vice-president , senatongs, tongressmen , mayors and councillors! Where does "real life" begins and "make believe" end in dissecting Philippine politics-- in fact even in Filipino daily life?

Selected Comments
(Topic: Pacmania Sweeps the World)

Name: Isabelle
City/State/Country: Toronto
IP Address:


There is indeed a god! And it is protecting the Philippines in spite of the Filipinos! Paquiao made it clear that he has presidential ambition!! Can you imagine if he won over Merryweather?--- why Paquiao may just become the next president of the RP (AS his reward for being the pride of the Philippines!)!!!

Name: Joe
City/State/Country: Angeles
IP Address:


Pacquiao losing was not what most of us expected but hope that next time he has another fight, he will not be showing what he will during the fight. It was not only the fans watching his moves and what he will do but also is opponent. Nice try though and hope no more showing up what you have to do on your next fight. I suggest though that spend your time in congress and not on the ring.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


The Pacquiao fight fell way short of its hype. And I cannot understand why the aggressor all throughout the fight lost to his opponent who did nothing but clinch & retreat. The judges said it was classic Mayweather. If that is so then he is a boring fighter. I was expecting a slam bang, nonstop action fight. Instead we saw each fighter spend most of the rounds circling & eyeing each other. No blood was drawn. No knockdowns. No heart stopping last round. It was just an ordinary fight. Both fighters lasted thru 12 rounds. Then then Judges used math to declare the winner. I went home feeling like I saw a bad movie. Naharang ako.

Name: Expedito Castillo
City/State/Country: NYC, USA
IP Address:


Symbolic of the 60-40 advantage given to Mayweather in the purse split, the Manny Pacquiao management also gave Mayweather a 60-40 advantage to win the "Fight of the Century" bout over Pacquiao by insisting on training in Los Angeles, instead of training in the 2,000-ft higher elevation of Las Vegas, as I have pointed out 5 weeks before the fight. Manny Pacquiao could have won easily. Manny Pacquiao could have been the winner of the "Fight of the Century". The best pound for pound boxer title could have been undisputedly be in Manny Paquiao's hand.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


It was no "fight of the century". I'm glad I did not have to pay $1,500 for the worst seat.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Pacquiao's loss was not unthinkable after all. What was unthinkable was the way the so-called "Biggest Fight in History" turned out. A dud. A "Rocky" action filled no quarters given fight it was not. By the 10th round all I was looking for is some skirmish that would last longer than 2 seconds. The mortal combat that the hype promised was not there. And so when the winner was declared the winner & the loser was who the winner should have been the world did not end. Pacquiao lived up to his style of aggression. It's not his fault if all Mayweather did was clinch & retreat. And it's certainly not Pacquiao's fault if the Judges had to use arithmetic just to decide who won.

Name: Jet Toledo
City/State/Country: Philippines
IP Address:


Do you remember the opinion of Dr. Expedito Castillo which you stated here. If only it was followed, I think, it could have spelled the difference. Now, Dr. Castillo and I can only tell them, "I told you so".

Name: John Cooney
City/State/Country: El Paso, Texas
IP Address:


Pacquiao Won !! In every pre-game interview, Manny gave thanks to God for everything he had and had accomplished. This was a great inspiration to all who saw the interviews He has truly won by his example and acknowledgements to God !!!! John Cooney, St. Matthew Parish Bible Study

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Manny Pacquiao & his team are crying foul over the Vegas boxing people. What did he expect? They've cheated him once when he fought Bradley & he did not raise a howl. So why wouldn't they cheat him again? Vegas after all, is not Sin City for nothing. They were probably hoping to talk Pacquiao into a return bout now. And they will declare Pacquiao the winner there, so there will be third match. Vegas is about money. They always go with the odds that spells money. It's just business. It's nothing personal.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


Allow me to reveal my take on the fight. In my opinion as guided by my experience in the sport as well as a fan, Pacquiao won. The scores were bogus.. along with the media that supported it. I have no problem with Pacquiao losing however because he failed to knock down Mayweather if not, knock him out. Pacquiao gave the most telling blows not the potshots Mayweather regularly did all night.. Boxing rules it seem to me favors not the aggressor, but the one that can generate the gates and that is usually the villain. I am not surprised. I knew this was coming.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


When Bradley was declared the winner in their Vegas fight a few years ago, it was an in your face, out & out scam perpetrated against Pacquiao. He should have put Vegas in his Blacklist & never fight there again. But in Boxing it's always about the purse. If the money is good who could refuse? Cheated or not? Vegas is not founded & does not exist on honesty. If it did it would have shut down a long time ago. There is a saying that goes, "They cheat you once shame on Them. They cheat you twice shame on You". If Pacquiao was cheated he is not the only only that knows about it. The whole world knows. Which is why what Mayweather got were Boos , not applause.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


The shoulder injury must have affected Pacquiao's performance. It was noticeable when Mayweather leaned against the rope in defensive mode, Pacquiao threw a soft few punches and stopped.

Name: Manila
City/State/Country: CA USA
IP Address:


After a month vacation in Manila, in fact we just got back home on April 28, 2015 to California. I read different stories from different newspapers on May 2, Filipinos could not accept the fact Pacquiao lost. Do not make up anymore stories as to why he could not play harder due to his shoulder. His daughter had to say she did not like Mayweather or I hated him. What would happen if Pacquiao won? Sana concentrate na siya as a congressman as people voted for him. I figured Mayweather would be a winner because he is bigger than Pacquiao and he could stretched out his arms longer. Let's not ask for another fight or rematch. Learn to accept and be sport! I hope he will learn to rest for good!

Name: Phil Researcher
City/State/Country: LA County, CA USA
IP Address:


Re: Headline: Pacquaio eyeing Presidency..Whoever wrote this headline did not look at the History of the Philippine Presidency..All Presidents who were elected were college graduates and not "Honoris Causa".,Quezon was a lawyer, so was laurel, Osmena, Roxas, Quirino, Magsyasay was a graduate of JRC Jose Rizal College..FM was a lawyer, Aquino (Cory) was a college graduate in New York, Erap is a college dropout, Ramos was West Point Grad. GMA was a PHD and Aquino III was an Ateneo Graduate..Pacquaio is a GED high school grad.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


There is no JOY in MudTown tonight MANNY struck out.

Name: Belly Laugh
City/State/Country: usa
IP Address:


So Pacquiao lost and still claiming that he won the fight. What a freaking loser? That's the reason being uneducated congressman that can't count more than 10. How can you be pretending being religious man and lied to the whole world telling that you think won the fight? I hope that Singsong lost more than bundle from his stolen money from the poor farmers in Ilocos Sur. Hope Pacquiao settles down as a law maker and learns the manners of an honest man.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


OK here comes the excuses. My shoulder was hurting me. My God I was in such pain. Give me a break. If your Manny had three good shoulders Mayweather would still have won. Manny lost because Mayweather was not just better than him boxing but smarter too. I also believe now that Manny was using PEDs. In this fight he was slow and his punches only make Mayweather SMILE.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


A lot of people were disappointed and dismayed with the Mayweather - Pacquiao fight. It was billed as the fight of the century but it ended up as THE SCAM OF THE CENTURY. Mayweather did not live up to the image of a true fighter. He ended up as a TRUE RUNNER instead. So many people paid top dollars in MGM only to see a title holder being chased by a shorter opponent in the ring. Fans wanted to see a real street brawl not DANCING WITH THE STARS with fancy footsteps. Hay chihuahua!

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Following comment was posted - "So prayers for MannyPac are in order, for his victory, just as the prayers for halting execution. victory in boxing and stopping execution are made possible via prayers. " LOL! Must also depend on which god to pray? Mother Dionesia was praying to the wrong god this time?

Name: Belly Laugh
City/State/Country: usa
IP Address:


THE MOST EXCUSES AND SOUR GRAPE LOSERS. Why make so much excuses, it's pure fact that Pacquiao lost the fight. Excuses about shoulder injury is stupid. His punches can't find Mayweather because he's too elusive. They knew his style of fighting and if Pacquiao cannot handle they should know that.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Manny is saying that a mole in his camp informed Mayweather's people about his injured shoulder. Money says it was a Filipino. Who else could it be.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Manny spent 3 million dollars on tickets for his friends and than can't hire a lawyer that can read. Confusion with paperwork so he could not take a pain shot for his shoulder. Give me a break.

Other Comments

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


To my fellow bloggers: Guys, when I said "There is a God", it was in half jest. It was meant to make the reader smile (because the expression was so outrageous). I never meant to involve God (the Real one) in any of the problems of the Filipinos. As you can see even after the miraculous reprieve of the doomed woman her family still points fingers & finds faults in their govt. Not even God would want to be involved with such ungrateful people.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


I just have to post this joke again because the MJ Veloso's mother's ranting asked for it. Here it is: A father brought his 6 year old son for a walk in the park. While seated, two dogs were doing their business. The father noticed that his son was watching intently the dogs, so the father tried to explain to his what he is watching: DAD: "You see son, the dog on top is hurt so the dog in the bottom is helping him." SON: "Yes Dad I know. That's what is wrong in this world, help somebody and you get f*cked in your a*s!" Isn't that what the mother of MJ Veloso did to Aquino and the Philippine govt. after obtaining a reprieve for MJ Veloso? She probably even gave him the finger.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


[Someone]. Talagang napakahina ng kokote mo! You are very off! Henry the VIII did not believe in the divine right of the king as you alleged (seriously). But he believed in the divine right of his dick (joke) that's why he agreed to the recommendation of Cromwell and created his own church (Church of England). In fact, he was so scared of being excommunicated if he will break the law of the Church (Catholic) if he divorced his Queen.

Name: Phil Researcher
City/State/Country: LA County, CA USA
IP Address:


Re: Headline..Mother of Mary Jane Veloso said upon being interviewed that the Government of the Philippines did nothing to save her daughter...The Mayor or councilman in their town should approach her and tell her to apologize to the Pnoy and all officials who assisted in the reprieve which her daughter got from the Indonesian government.. She spoke too soon.. Veloso has not been pardoned, she could still be executed later. Without the President's intervention, Mary Jane would have been history by now. Some people don't understand the process of government.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


We could not be blaming anyone except Mary Jane Veloso for serving as a "drug mule." She brought all her miseries in prison on her own. Oftentimes we blame the government for everything stupid things our citizens do. We created the government we wanted by putting the wrong person's name in the ballot.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


There are well educated lawyers from the Philippines trained in Harvard Law School but rather than join the government they go into private practice as corporate lawyers. Those who become government prosecutors are the less impressive elements in the legal profession. We call them dumb witted.

Name: Leo
City/State/Country: Alhambra,Ca.
IP Address:


The Veloso's hatred against Aquino and the government validates my suspicion that these family has in the past (if not in the present time) been a Communist sympathizer. Only those who has undergone brainwashing would have that kind of hatred against the government considering what the government has done recently to prolong their daughter's life. Dapat singilin ng gobyerno ang pamilyang iyan sa gastos ng gobyerno sa pagpunta at accommodation nila sa Indonesia. Kung sino pa ang hindi nagbabayad ng buwis iyon pa ang sisingil sa bayan. I know how communists think and talk. I've been with them for almost two years.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


We always invoke the power of prayer as in the last minute reprieve of Jane Veloso' s execution. Then we say GOD stayed with her. But how about natural disasters as in Ondoy and Yolanda? Did GOD abandon the 90 million Christians? Or the Nepalese who are not Christians but majority of whom are Hindus or Buddhists? Where was GOD?

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Let us do away with those condescending attitude (mahina kokote). If one religion subjects itself to papal authority that is a Catholic; if not, that is a protestant. If one believes in Christ he is a Christian. But how Jesus Christ is perceived as a prophet or Son of God varies even among Christians. Please spare me of your lecture on Christianity!

City/State/Country: DASMARINAS
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PLDT Ultera what a scam,1 month fees=peso1000. Everyday bandwidth is only limited to 1gigabyte for 3mb speed. I only use my computer for browsing news and Facebook for 20 minutes and my daily allowable bandwidth is reach, the rest of the day my internet speed is crawling at 0.15mb. Going back to 15 yrs. ago Philippines internet service.

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