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Selected Comments
(Topic: Pacman's Gamble)

Name: Jun Adan
City/State/Country: Usa
IP Address:


Greed for the $120 Million prevailed over Pacquiao in deciding to continue the fight. Losing and aggravate injury were not Pacman's motivation but the earnings of a lifetime in his career was the factor. It was a spurious and fraudulent show. I strongly regret paying a hard-earned fee of $89.00 for PPV. Pacman is done and will not command respect from me and his fans.

Name: dustin
City/State/Country: dasmarinas city
IP Address:


Manny knows full well how easy it is to lie in the Philippines & get away with it, especially if you are as famous as he is. Its not so easy in the us. There you will be held accountable for your words , actions & deeds. Its ironic that Manny also wants to run with Binay, anyone with half a brain would run a mile from Binay. He is going to jail for a long time, & those associated with him should also be very carefully scrutinized. I bet against Manny as even fit I never thought he could beat Floyd & him having this injury & still fighting makes me very happy. Greed got the better of Manny & the greater good I'm afraid was thrown out of the window. I hope if he ever gets power he isn't in charge of ethics as he doesn't yet seem to understand the meaning of that word.

Name: JoMag
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Pacman is a typical greedy Filipino who wants it all. A politician, movie actor, professional basketball player, pool shark, singer etc etc and also now a son of God a bible thumping born again who found his true calling. Come on, give me a break. I admire you in boxing as a boxer, outside of the ring you're just a simpleton who thinks highly of yourself when in fact you're just a stupid moron.

Name: JRH
City/State/Country: Montreal, Quebec
IP Address:


Manny Pacquiao was strongly motivated to lie cuz of the prize money, $180M in total plus other perks & sponsorships connected with the fight. The fall guy Michael Koncz is not liable. It's the champ who will go to court to explain. It's crystal clear that he committed perjury or a willful & false statement in the questionnaire. The fine of $5,000 is peanuts compared to the suspension or total ban by the Nevada State Athletic Com that will prevail in this case. He will be losing big time should a legal decision will be made against him. Others think that it's about time that he retires & involves himself in Phil politics full time. It's time for Pacman to pack his bag & hang up the gloves.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


As far as I am concerned it was the lousiest fight of the Century. Being the lousy fight that it was it really does not matter who won or who lost. Or whether there will be a rematch. Why Pacquiao took a "Gamble", if that's what it is, just shows how much he "valued" the fight. He probably did not care whether he would win or lose, which means he did not care for his adoring millions of fans who had no idea about his injured shoulder. Of course everyone in that fight knew from Arum to Mayweather. Boxing is a dirty, corrupt sports right from the get go. Which is why it is a dying sport. Other than Mayweather & Pacquiao can you name anyone interesting enough to watch on PPV?

Name: Paco Sa Cruz
City/State/Country: Vietnam
IP Address:


Pacquiao knew that Mayweather will be difficult to beat and anyone going against him shall be in perfect health. But then, despite his injury, PACMAN did not seek postponement and in fact, hid his illness. After all, contrary to Pacman's previous pronouncement that money is not the issue, it is very probable that because of the MONEY he chose to fight despite his injured shoulder. Pera pera lang ang nangyari at boksing ang naging paraan. It is sad to think that eventually, PACMAN succumbs to the money kahit na matalo.

Name: komandante
City/State/Country: sydney, nsw, aust
IP Address:


Although Pac has been injured I don't believe that the fight should be postponed, baka di na matuloy laban, you know Floyd parang palaging may regla. This is also why I'm against too much heavy sparring it contributes to the wear n tear of a fighter, I'm not a trainer just an opinion and I use my common sense.

Name: Phil Researcher
City/State/Country: LA County, CA USA
IP Address:


Re:My comment earlier on the Chinese installation.. "Easier said than than".. "Should be corrected to easier said than done..... On thePacquaio vs Mayweather.. Pacquaio committed fraud on those people who made the bet.. he failed to disclose "a material fact"..With all those cases.. those plaintiffs who lost would be able to recover it from Pacquaio's "purse" in that fight..It is payday again for the lawyers handling these cases.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Pacquiao is a Boxer who lost an important fight. If there are consequences to his illegal actions before the fight then he should face them. What the Boxing authorities do with his violations is something not many people would be interested to follow. The fight is over. Any footnotes to this lousy fight will not make it less lousy. If all the allegations in the Editorial is true then that should teach Boxing fans not to fall in love with their idol. Because no matter how great a fighter they are there is always an end to their career. And the end to Pacquiao's boxing career seems to glimmer in the horizon.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


If it's true that Pacquiao will be batting for the election of Binay then he's a two time loser. If he is charged of illegality in an American Court he will have problems that won't go away. He will undoubtedly be elected to any office he may desire in the PHL. But that does not necessarily mean he will be happy. "Be careful what you wish for…." is what I would say to him.

Name: Belly Laugh
City/State/Country: usa
IP Address:


Lawsuits all over US to include Puerto Rico filed against the lying born again Christian congressman Pacquiao. Well, good luck from being a liar to make a quick big bucks for his senatorial candidacy and to support the most crook and liar like him to be the president of the Philippines. The supposedly fight of the century turned out to be lawsuit of the century. What really turns my belly inside out is that Pacquiao being lawmaker, born again, and most of all "BIG DAMN LIAR". He is a giant supporter of Binay that puts him in the same bandwagon. If this won't scare the hell out you, I can't imagine any other.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


Pacquiao actually took the gallant stand of continuing if that meant his concern for those who already purchased the very ridiculously expensive tickets not to mention those who booked in Vegas. So I agree with Max Kellerman, He manned up. Now, it should be noted also that Pacquiao did not provide any excuses at all after the fight. He did express he thought he won the fight but he was willing to heed to the judges. It was Bob Arum who revealed the shoulder injury more than anything else.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


(Second Part) I actually thought Pacquiao won this lousy fight not Mayweather, scoring wise. All Mayweather did for the most part was potshots against Pacquiao's tagging the former to the ropes not to mention his aggressiveness. However, I don't have a problem with Pacquiao being declared the loser however because Mayweather is on the A-side of the fight and therefore Pacquiao should have at least knocked him down or out.

Name: Willie
City/State/Country: Carson, City
IP Address:


Enough about Pacquiao. We have a lot more national problems that needs to be given more attention than the boxer, unless this forum is a sports forum; that I don't know.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


(Third part) I really think, something is really shady in the scoring of the fight. The fight, though very lousy, was actually close and Pacquiao leading.. Examine Rounds 2 and 3 particularly. were clearly Pacquiao's but Judge Morreti saw it 0otherwise... and that also includes 11 and 12. But even the Harold Leatherman's scores were way off the mark to Mayweathers favor..! So is this call in politics, Opinion trending? To solidify my argument, Even Holyfield and Skip Bayless agreed Pacquiao won. Website BoxingNews24 made a recount and it actually showed Pacquiao leading with more punches 98 versus 68 Mayweather....WTF!!!!. Pacquiao however, did not at least knock Mayweather down. Such was necessary to overcome whatever argument the judges may have.. But Pacquiao clearly won in my book.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


(Fourth Part) I really want everyone to read this part and reflect. This lousy-ass fight is so boring for one glaring reason. A good 65 to 75 percent of the fight was devoted to one boxer running and the other chasing him. While running, Mayweather would potshot Pacquiao from time to time, While chasing, Pacquiao would tag Mayweather to the ropes but couldn't finish him off probably because of the controversial shoulder.. The most telling shots were from Pacquiao.. Mayweather was just there surviving and barely initiating anything.. So the point here is this, Just who then is the aggressor providing the action and who is the one running away from the action? Why then the scores were so lopsided in favor of Mayweather? Hmmmmmmmm

Name: Marie
City/State/Country: Batangas
IP Address:


Gusto ni Pacman na mag-manage o ma-assign sa OFW, naku po baka mas dumami ang mga magpaalila sa ibang bansa. Type nya para na rin lymayas sya lagi at makarating ng ibang bansa. Baka gustong tumakbong presidente... naku pow! Tama na sa kanya ang isama ni Dinky Soliman sa DSW dahil mas me experience sya sa ganun. Then, maghihikayat pang maging Born Again sa mga OFW, omg! Uubusin ang pera ng bayan sa pamasahe ng mga pastors at bodyguards. Hindi naman sya aalis ng iisa ang alalay...self interest! Mr. Senate President Drilon, think think.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


Fifth Part) The rules back in the day favors the aggressor if the rounds were close... It's so hard to prove a conspiracy or an anomaly, but for me, its very insulting to say this particular fight is not shady at all. Now a few sea lawyers argue Boxing is about hitting and not getting hit... I personally don't find this a legitimate argument because such a game trait will only favor taller guys with bigger reach but for Asians? Of course that will not apply at all. Not at all... Next time they fight, the boxing commission better explain what they want to see in a fight to provide integrity to the viewers...

Name: Benjamin Cruz
City/State/Country: St. Paul MN
IP Address:


We are reminded of the term "ONE ARMED BANDIT". Aren't we?

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


My final comment on Pacquiao is this. Manny is a gifted person in the talent of Boxing. He is kindhearted and he is a proud Filipino. But Please....... Stop convincing him as someone that he is not, with things that he doesn't possess... Manny is no longer the boxer he used to be because he doesn't develop his talent anymore.. and I really blame that to the very people who inflated his ego.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


We all know Pacquiao is not a politician (actually a frequent absentee) but he was obviously convinced he is. He is not an actor and there are no arguments there.. and of course, He is not a singer..... The guy has lost his focus in honing his craft and adding more dimensions to his game style.. and as a result we denied him of his true potentials. We denied boxing of more excitement and fun, and most of all, we denied Manny the very sanity he needs to understand his identity. Stop using him... It's one thing to see the other side of Manny and quite another to use him and his money... True enough, Floyd takes Money, Manny gives Money... but please don't abuse him.

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


To boxing aficionados, Pacquiao was manipulated by his handlers, promoters, and the media to hype the fight of the century. Instead it became the "flight of the century". Mayweather kept dancing while Pacquiao kept chasing him. Manny has to go for a knockout to win the belt and deliver to Floyd his first defeat. Manny failed. The rotator cuff issue had contributed to the his defeat. I don't think Manny had sold us out. Only Edward thought Pacquiao did. Boxing in Las Vegas has a reputation of results being rigged by judges. If Vegas cheats so does Edward! rigged by judges.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


Mayweather said, "Don't blame me!" My reaction: If people are disappointed with the fight because of its failure to live up to its hype... My reaction, the people clearly know why they are disappointed. The public is not dumb for the fact that they know what they paid to see.. It's that simple. What the public saw is A one-armed fighter chasing a running boxer. I mean, who promised a knock out within four rounds in this fight????? Mayweather, the people know who's to blame. You may be smart in boxing and money but not intellectually and your business ethic is very questionable....

Selected Comments
(Topic: Chinese Military Bases Under Construction on Philippine Reefs Must be Destroyed Now!)

Name: E. U. Tan
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Poor Filipinos will be much better off under the Chinese leadership. Only the rich politician will live in jeopardy once the Chinese occupy the Philippines because they execute all the plunderers.

Name: Vik
City/State/Country: Tarlac City
IP Address:


NO MATTER HOW THE WORLD DISSECT AND SPIN THE REALITY OF PHLS situation, - The Truth will always prevail that RP is a military Weakling Flop on a global scale cause and borne out of decades and decades of neglect, indifference and lack of visionary foresight by the National Leadership by virtue of National Corruption unprecedented unparalleled throughout. RP's National Leadership has neglected the territorial domain in the WPS in the same token with SABAH.

Other Comments

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


[Someone]: Talagang mahina ang kokote mo! Muslims respect and recognized Jesus Christ as a Prophet but do not worship him. Only Allah is the One and True God. Some Jews ("Jews For Christ") honor and respect Jesus Christ, that's why "they are for Christ" lol. Not necessarily as the Messiah or Son of God. Or is it not? That's the equation contrary to your belief. Got that?

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Aquino does not have the courage to fire Binay (sin cjones in Spanish) in spite of all those allegations because of Binay's ties with Pnoy's mother, Cory Aquino. This is classic example of "utang na loob " we have all seen even with his embattled PNP chief, Purisima. Technically ( in 1935 constitution) the vice- president assumes no responsibilities in governing. He is a spare tire as a methapor. It was MLQ who gave his vice president , Sergio Osmeña, the highest cabinet porfolio. The presence of Binay in the cabinet with all those allegations of ill-gotten wealth speaks volume of "maruming daan." Mr. President, where are those God-given 5 senses? You lost them?

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Edward should not expect PNL to censure him about the Japanese guy who had 12,000 paid sex with minors. The number is true. The nationality of the person is well known. The incident really happened and publicly known ( you could even goggle it ). But what was malicious and false was that all victims were young girls from Japan and NOT Filipinos. PNL does not engage in checking the veracity of whatever Edward writes. PNL's editing function is mainly focused on redacting names.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


According to local news reporting here that POE is more comfortable teaming up with Escudero. Roxas is a weaker presidential candidate than Poe. Roxas seems to be lacking in political charisma and fire in his belly. The rumor here is that the Binondo China mafia is putting up some 33 billion pesos behind Binay. If this rumor is true, Binay is truly a Manchurian candidate!

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