It's What Happens After the Hague Tribunal Says the Philippines Won Versus China, That Matters

The Peace Palace: Home of the International Court of Justice, Permanent Court of Arbitration, Peace Palace Library and The Hague Academy of International Law
The Peace Palace: Home of the International Court of Justice, Permanent Court of Arbitration, Peace Palace Library and The Hague Academy of International Law. (File photo)

n a few weeks the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague will render its decision on the case the Philippines brought against China. In all likelihood the tribunal will rule in favor of the Philippines. For starters this will reinforce the country's claim that Scarborough Shoal (Panatag Shoal), which lies 220 km (137 mi) west of Palauig, Zambales,  is well within the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

So what happens next? China has already stated that it will not abide by any decision of the international tribunal. So what will the Philippines do? It can't confront China militarily. Neither can it threaten China economically. So what's left?

Sway world opinion against China. Philippine government leaders must take every opportunity to make it clear to world leaders all across the globe that the Philippines is right and China is wrong; that we stand for the rule of law while China stands for bullying and aggression; that Filipinos are for an enlightened 21st century governed by fairness and justice, while Communist China wants to bring mankind back to the dark ages where force and intimidation rule the day.

It is not going to be easy. Pinoys will have to come out of their shell and go forth to change the hearts and minds of world leaders. Leaders who have other serious and weighty issues to confront, or who cannot afford to antagonize China. It may take months, years, even decades, but this is a task every Filipino leader, in or out of government, must undertake.

Like it or not, this is the card we've been dealt, and we either rise to the challenge or cower in fear and shame. And if you take a step back and think about it, this is ultimately a fight between good and evil. Does mankind want to live in a world where the strong and powerful bully the weak? Where a totalitarian country—whose leaders are not democratically elected and who repress all forms of freedom—intimidates and imposes its will on its weaker neighbors? Where "power grows out of the barrel of a gun" as former Chinese leader Mao Zedong noted way back in 1927? The answer is a resounding "NO!"

This is the time for Filipinos to act. And this is also the time for Filipinos to shine. By standing up to China, we will make the world a better place for everyone. So let us rally the nations of the world to stand with us, to send China a clear message that bullying and aggression will only turn it into a pariah state that will eventually lead to its downfall. Published 6/7/2016 reserves the right to select and edit comments for publication.


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