Smog-filled metropolis—a
daily occurrence. Photo: Manila Bulletin

to the website of the Philippine Council for Health Research and
Development (PCHRD), an agency of the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST), lung cancer is “the top cause of cancer-related
deaths among men, and the third cause of cancer deaths among women,
outranked by breast and cervical cancer.”
PCHRD website further states that according to the World Health
Organization (WHO), “the age-adjusted death rate related
to lung cancer is 15.46 per 100,000 of population, placing the
Philippines as number 80 in the world in 2011.” And while smoking is the primary cause, urban
smog appears to be a culprit as well.
California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA),
one of six agencies under the umbrella of the California Environmental
Protection Agency (CalEPA) warns of the health effects of diesel
exhaust: “As we breathe, the toxic gases and small particles of diesel
exhaust are drawn into the lungs. The microscopic particles in diesel
exhaust are less than one-fifth the thickness of a human hair and are
small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs.”
explains that “diesel exhaust and many individual substances contained
in it (including arsenic, benzene, formaldehyde and nickel) have the
potential to contribute to mutations in cells that can lead to cancer.
In fact, long-term exposure to diesel exhaust particles poses the
highest cancer risk of any toxic air contaminant evaluated by OEHHA.”
from the long-term risk of cancer, the OEHHA notes that “exposure to diesel exhaust can have
immediate health effects. Diesel exhaust can irritate the eyes, nose,
throat and lungs, and it can cause coughs, headaches, lightheadedness
and nausea. In studies with human volunteers, diesel exhaust particles
made people with allergies more susceptible to the materials to which
they are allergic, such as dust and pollen. Exposure to diesel exhaust
also causes inflammation in the lungs, which may aggravate chronic
respiratory symptoms and increase the frequency or intensity of asthma
California agency further points out that “the elderly and people with
emphysema, asthma, and chronic heart and lung disease are especially
sensitive to fine-particle pollution. Numerous studies have linked
elevated particle levels in the air to increased hospital admissions,
emergency room visits, asthma attacks and premature deaths among those
suffering from respiratory problems. Because children's lungs and
respiratory systems are still developing, they are also more susceptible
than healthy adults to fine particles. Exposure to fine particles is
associated with increased frequency of childhood illnesses and can also
reduce lung function in children.”
the World Health Organization (WHO) through its International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) has weighed in stating that the “IARC
classifies diesel engine exhaust as ‘carcinogenic to humans,’ based on
sufficient evidence that it is linked to an increased risk of lung
cancer.” The agency also noted that “there is ‘some evidence of a
positive association’ between diesel exhaust and bladder cancer.”
all the above, it is high time the Philippine government through the Duterte
administration did something about the heavy smog in most of its major
cities, especially Metro Manila and its adjacent cities and
Duterte’s planned phase-out of the ubiquitous jeepney is a good start—jeepneys
run on old, dirty, surplus diesel engines from Japan and other Southeast
Asian countries where they are no longer allowed—his plan is
experiencing significant push-back from the many sectors that will be
affected if the new law takes effect.
this administration’s track record to date, many Filipinos are not
expecting the demise of the jeepney anytime soon. But getting rid of
that Pinoy transportation icon is long overdue. The jeepney has become an
eyesore that even the unheralded individual or individuals who invented
the contraption, likely never expected it to be around this long—it
was just a temporary fix to move people around after World
War II when the city’s transportation system was mostly destroyed. No one
expected the jeepney to become a permanent solution.
from jeepneys (and the two-stroke tricycles—another notorious
polluter) there are also tens of thousands of private vehicles, trucks
and buses that run on diesel fuel. Upper middle-class families prefer
big diesel SUVs and pickup trucks because diesel is the least expensive
fuel for vehicles in most areas of the country.
From being the cheapest, diesel fuel should be made the most expensive—gradually, over a
five-year period—by increasing the taxes on it. Given the dangerous smog
that it creates, the layers of soot that it deposits on homes and
buildings, and the carcinogens it emits that kill thousands every year,
diesel fuel actually causes billions of pesos in damage and harm each year,
compared to unleaded gasoline.
addition to heavily taxing diesel, more stringent smog testing requirements for all vehicles must be implemented. Smoke belchers, be they
public buses or private vehicles, should be made to pay a hefty fine.
car makers must be taken to task as well. For instance, the Toyota Prius, a hybrid vehicle is selling well in many countries around the
world. In the Philippines, where daily smog is a problem in one city after
another, that model is not aggressively marketed here. The government must start
requiring local automakers to begin selling more low or zero emission vehicles
in the country. As an example, the state of California set
stringent clean-air requirements on all cars sold in their state, and
Californians are now
reaping the benefits of cleaner air, and a
healthier population.
local government officials, congressmen, senators, and past
administrations should have done all these a long time ago. Maybe the
Duterte administration—which sees itself as a pioneering and effective
administration—can finally bring about the needed changes. We’ll see.
But if our leaders fail us yet again, the public should step in and
demand that changes be implemented. No one wants their
children and grandchildren breathing harmful, polluted air, all because we
were too lazy to stand up and demand a cleaner country for them.
Published 10/26/2018 |