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Selected Comments
(Topic: Is Vice President Jejomar Binay the Manchurian Candidate?)

Name: Maximo
City/State/Country: Canada
IP Address:


The movie Manchurian Candidate has all the elements of intrigue, espionage, devious plot and suspense In the case of Binay everything is as clear as mud, there's no pretense- you get what you see. In other words, if despite his known reputation he still wins the 2016 election, then, he can always say," I told you so." In fact, I won't blame him if he sells the country to the highest bidder. He has become so bold and his hubris knows no bounds that he personally believes he can win despite or inspite of any rumor or allegations against him. Furthermore, the nation seems to be following the same age-old practice of supporting this type of politicians. It's apparent the system is irrevocably the same.

Name: john
City/State/Country: angeles
IP Address:


We have a lot to say about why Binay should not be the president but the problem is: There are more people to whom he can give one hundred pesos and they will vote for him. He will start promising things he will do when he gets elected; but once he sits down, FORGET YOU! He won't visit those places until next election. Voters, please think before casting your votes.

Name: Hit&Run
City/State/Country: ONTHEROAD
IP Address:


How many Filipino registered voters really understand complicated politics? In a country where the majority of the masses exist with less than $10 a day, any wealthy candidate easily becomes an idol for a much desired qualitative standard of living. And in such an environment there is no shortage of those so-called filthy rich who will take advantage of that voting public's mindset. Hence, the wealthy becomes wealthier at the expense of the nation and its poor. Unfortunately, that's the bottom line.

Name: Phil Researcher
City/State/Country: LA County, CA USA
IP Address:


Re: President Binay.. If elected notwithstanding the pending Anti Graft cases against the VP, then no one is to be blamed but the electorate themselves. The overpriced Makati building speaks for itself.. It is overpriced. Now is there a history of overpricing in the binay family?. Obviously, the case against Dra Elinita Binay is overpricing of beds in Ospital ng Makati.It is an actual case also still pending. Is overpricing of projects a monopoly of the Binays, absolutely not..But the others who are involved in overpricing , if any , they are not running for Pres. of the P. It is only Binay who is running and a very strong contender to win.

Name: Vik
City/State/Country: Tarlac City
IP Address:


Binay is the epitome of a "Bansot, Maitim na may Political agenda," that will set back the progress of this impoverished 3rd world RP. He is the classic right persona of perpetuation of this rotten RP style of politics that has plagued this poor nation of political opportunists, oppressors, legal crooks, traditional politics that has taken hold of the poor like they are/were mere subjects subjected to daily dose of usurpation, manipulation to perpetuate the same status quo.

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


There should be a movement of concerned Filipinos to spread far & wide reports about Binay such as this one. It is very important that the voting Filipino know about this Thief. Because once in power it would be impossible to dislodge him, people power or not. He is definitely twice as evil & greedy as Marcos. And his wife would make Imelda look "Matipid". The PHL brought its own problems upon itself. The country ignored the wretched poor while the latter multiplied. The segment of the population has now the voting power to sink or swim the PHL.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


I look at it this way. The PHL is like a helpless woman being raped by China. Binay knows this & because he is also a rapist in relation to Makati he was thinking, since there is nothing that can be done why not just lay back & enjoy it. It is the typical mindset of a hardened criminal. This Binay will not just sell the country. He would make sure that he & his family get the lion's share of the loot. China may think it has snatched Binay. Well, think again. It is Binay who has snatched China. And he will definitely look for others to snatch once elected President. This guy must be stopped by any means.

Name: Sampagita
City/State/Country: New York, USA
IP Address:


What a fitting analysis of the presidential candidate to wants his clan to rule the country. More the F. Marcos I believe. I hope this will trek down to the grassroots who are easily persuaded by the "masa" effect of this man.

Name: Jorge Villanueva
City/State/Country: Canada
IP Address:


I am amazed that with his unsavory reputation and his utterly devious political design Binay still gets a support and encouragement from some Filipinos. Even without this recent article, I already have the suspicion that Binay is the type of politician who will sell his own relative for a price with no hesitation at all. So the possibility that he will support the interest of China over that of the Philippines, for an enormous financial windfall is certainly possible. I am sorry but like a down-and-trodden addict, the Philippines has to reach bottom before it can see the mistake it is doing now and accept enough is enough.

Name: Steve R
City/State/Country: California
IP Address:


Heaven forbid, Jejomar Binay will be elected president in 2016. Based on all corrupt allegations against Binay, without doubt, any reasonable person believes that Binay sold himself, his whole being to the devil. Hopefully, the Filipino voters, those who are of sound mind and will consider what is best for them, their children and grand children will vote in the majority against the Manchurian candidate Jejomar Binay.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Binay is anchoring on China in the same way that the PHL politicians of the past anchored on the USA. Binay must have concluded that the power in Asia has already shifted to China. Plus the fact that the PHL economy is being dictated to by the Chinese businessmen, which is why his "Fronts" in his nefarious activities were mostly Chinese. This thief has been stealing for so long he no longer considers his acts criminal. And when he sells the country to another foreign nation he would consider the same act just like Plundering. If only the Squatters, D/E classes could be disenfranchised!

Name: Romer Santillan
City/State/Country: Sacramento, U.S.A.
IP Address:


Binay is another Marcos in the making, but even more lethal.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


TREASON? This would be the least of Binay's problems once he gets elected President. The man will use all his powers and then some, to establish a DYNASTY & perpetuate all of them in power. He may even enlist China's support in exchange for the PHL lands that the latter may occupy WITHOUT any objections from the PHL govt. So even militarily Binay has the solution for a Coup d'etat or open revolt from the Filipinos - China's Military support. Those that predict that Binay's election will result in a people power will be surprised. Even if people power materializes it will not stand and it will not last. Binay is the greatest product of GRAFT & CORRUPTION. He is the son Marcos never had.

Name: Pinay
City/State/Country: Manila
IP Address:


Binay's vision is as long as the country is ruled & controlled by his dynasty, it does not matter if he drop the claims of our nation on those uninhibited islands. Beside, his dummy can take at least 20% of the profit from the vast deposit of oil in that region, giving 30% to the nation to be divided among the plunderers in the government,,and give away the 50%?to his Chinese partner. In a few years he could build an empire no oppositionist can topple him except bloodshed from the people revolution. Do we want to see our future generation to suffer in that way while we can still stop it from happening??

Name: Vik
City/State/Country: TARLAC CITY
IP Address:


Why on EARTH is this elder BINAY forcing himself on the hapless Filipinos to be a presidential aspirant/candidate? Anyway you twist and tweak his persona and the Family's legacy of hold in Makati speaks of CROOKED POLITICS - so why is the Filipino public a WILLING FOOL to be fooled by this crooked, darkened midget with a dark agenda? WASN'T THAT BLATANT POWER PROJECTION BY THE SON (MAYOR) IN ONE OF POSH GATED VILLAGES an OMEN of things to come about these CROOKS--Binays once they get themselves into Malacanang???!!! Filipinos, Huwag ninyong pairalin ang kamangmangan ninyo at I-elect ang Binay na iyan!!!

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


I do not think that Binay fits the description of a Manchurian candidate. A Manchurian candidate is one who publicly supports China's foreign policy but in reality opposes it.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


Binay to me, is not only a Manchurian candidate. He is really nothing new. He is a hands down "Makapili" of the present times.

Name: Vik
City/State/Country: TARLAC CITY
IP Address:


Tapos ngangawa ngawa kayo pag puro CABAL-balan na ang nangyayari sa governance.Pumili kayo ng ka clone ni LKY ng umunlad at umasenso ang Pilipinas, mga Mangmang ng mga Bobotante, sa konting suhol nagpapa uto kayo! Kapag pag aari na ng mga Binay naiyan ang buong Pilipinas. Wag papa uto at magpa unggoy sa Ita ng Makati. Mga mandarambong mga iyan.

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Instead of defining Binay as a Manchurian candidate he should be labeled instead as a SLEEPER AGENT. Are we using the phrase correctly ?

Name: Vik
City/State/Country: TARLAC CITY
IP Address:


This Jejomar Binay Sr is an obvious example of how this country is run by these Political dogs, the perpetuation of this rotten political system in place, and how corrupting the system is - - Filipinos, rise up to the challenge and oppose this blatant ramming down to your throats the very dirty agendas of opportunistic politics, thieving politics, stealing your very rights to a clean, honest political climate that will enhance this impoverished country of RP to global progress in the likes of Japan, SK, Singapore, and her neighbors...

IP Address:


VP Binay nagpatota sa china dahil tagilin sya 2016 election..at ang pag hindi sya mananalo tiyak sya at ang familya sa kulungan ang magiging tinirahan nila sa dami ng kaso na kinaharap niya tungko; sa kuraptyon sa kaban / pera ng bayan.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


Why even talk about Binay? Rodrigo Duterte is the man! He can lose only if they will cheat him big time; really big time or they won't overcome his edge with the Pinoys.

Name: oliver
City/State/Country: mindoro, philippines
IP Address:


Joint venture meaning china will invest in oil exploration in our country. We need investment from other country to boost our economy. I don't think so if VP Binay meant to let China invade our territory. There's nothing wrong with bilateral talks. It is more globally acceptable solution than war. Given the fact that we don't have capability to defend our country.

Selected Comments
(Topic: Pacmania Sweeps the World)

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


The "Fight of the Century" that never was is over. The whole world saw what a "great" clincher & runner Mayweather was. Prominent figures in the Boxing world, like Evander Holyfield were saying it was Pacquiao who won. No one was impressed with Mayweather except for that arrogant racist actor Jamie Foxx. If Mayweather is content being known as a "Defensive Champion" then he is no Marciano, Ali, or Sugar Ray. He is just a big bore. But Pacquiao's fans should just drop it now. They should move on & stop behaving like PHL politicians who lost an election.

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


"There's a lot of things to learn about this event especially the youth. Win or lose be proud to our race and color. Go Pacquiao go. Hooray my native land PHILIPPINES" How shallow is the fervor and pride--- and yet many Filipinos won't hesitate to leave the country at the drop of a pin!

Name: Ray of LV
City/State/Country: LV, NV.
IP Address:


China has a Presidential candidate in the Phil for 2016 election and he will sell the Phil., the people for 13 percent. Another thing is if Pac loves the people, the Philippines he should have not fought May with his shoulder problem so the Filipinos would not bet on him. That says how short minded this guy is. This is the same as saying "I love you guys to lose your money". Just imagine there are Filipinos who lost thousands and thousands of dollars. Mine was only $100.00 supposed to be for the milk of my youngest boy and now he cries at night for his milk that I could not provide. You Pac betrayed the Filipinos.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


Pacquiao better forget that "born again Christian" crap of his. His constant invoking of God is getting to be and vainful if not blasphemous. Well, if you ask me.

Name: Belly Laugh
City/State/Country: usa
IP Address:


Boxing commission should ban this lying Filipino congressman. Relihiosong sinungaling. A rematch? Why? If he can't touch him during the first fight, will mama D's voodoo would work this time? Embarrassing! EXCUSES, EXCUSES, mahiya kayo sa mga tao sa mundo, hoy!. No dignity and honesty make me puke. Mayweather is offering for rematch because he knows it will be easy fight against Pacquiao which is true. It will be another punching bag on Pacquiao face and another 100 mil.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


[Someone] was making comments about the Pacquiao fight as if he watched it. Why, did they show the fight even in WHOREHOUSES in Angeles? Where would this guy get the means to watch it? Who would accommodate him? His grammar is so bad it's like reading the scratchings of a drunk.

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


BY THE WAY, whatever happened to the JunJun Binay TRO that the CA issued and the Ombudsman appealed to the SC? The SC heard arguments from both sides about it 3 weeks ago in Baguio. So what gives? The administration of of justice in the PHL is just so awwwwfuuul! What could possibly be the reason for the delay. The only question is whether the CA has the authority under the circumstances to override the Ombudsman. Yes or No?

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


[Someone] is celebrating Pacquiao's loss. Meantime, he also uses the opportunity to deliver more HATE Speech against Filipinos. Truth be told this [someone] is not even fit to hold Pacqiao's soiled underwear. PNL is honoring the Freedom of Speech too far by printing this guy. Because this PIMP'S blogs are not Free Speech but rather HATE SPEECH, against Filipinos. He is like a NAZI talking about Jews. He does not realize that when he talks the way he talks about the PHL he is like a FILTHY PIG wallowing in manure.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


I am not a big fan of Pacquiao but whatever this [someone] says about Pacquiao he cannot deny that after all is said & done Pacquiao is still rich & famous. While [someone] is still a LOWLIFE. This is his nature.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Americans who bet on the fight filed a class action law suit against your Manny because he hid his injury. Now we Americans will take all his winning plus the homes he owns in America. You really know how to make me laugh. HAHAHAHAHA. USA USA USA USA USA. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Other Comments

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Mary Jane Veloso could be seen as an unfortunate victim of deception or as a consenting drug mule of her godsister. The uneducated and the marginalized sector of society are easily corrupted by the mighty dollar. Even the learned end up as victims too. Just look at Erap, Gloria and the trio los locos (Enrile, Jinggoy and Bong)!

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


In the news: "Visiting French Cartoonist: Picture is Our Language". I hope Philippine "medyas" will not fall into this "trap". Naghahanap lang sila ng damay. As it is, Philippine Press is the freest in the world, if not the Universe. But making fun of other cultures religion (Islam) should be taboo for the Philippines. Freedom of speech (including making fun of Islam's Prophet Mohammad) may be sacred to Western cultures but many others, especially Islamic countries, don't subscribed to that. So Philippines' Press should respect that.

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


The guy from Thailand whom the PHL govt. decreed deportable has definitely some personal issues. After watching his apology I would not argue or feel offended by his insults BECAUSE he is obviously a HOMOSEXUAL. And being so is liable to have unbalanced emotions & is susceptible to outburst which he would later apologize for, as he did. I say this without meaning to offend gay people. But his Thailander must have had a bad experience with Filipino males (considering the attitude of Filipinos toward gay people) which made him explode in a racist outburst. I am just surprised that no commenter mentioned this in their blogs in PHL websites.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


[Someone]: OK, I'll get rid of "mahina ang kokote mo" in stead "you have no brain!". hehehe. Contrary to what you said, the modern followers of Christ whether, Orthodox, Catholics or Protestants do not demote Jesus by considering him as a Prophet only. Ancient people during His time call him a Prophet. Nowadays, no Christian in his right mind call Him Prophet. He is the Son of God therefore He is God.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


To [someone]. I though you said that if are proven to have lied you will stop posting? Well, your lie about the 12,000 filipino girls was repeatedly pointed out to you. So why are you still posting? Who is the SHAMELESS scumbag now? The worst Filipino has more dignity than you.

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


A comment- " if you read the dozen Philippine billionaires (U.S dollars) listed by Forbes Magazine in their issue of billionaires all over the world (2014), in the Philippines there was only one Castillan..Enrique Razon Jr.." AND here is the irony-- Where is Razon going to put a big investment of his? Why outside of the country of course! Capiltal flight! Capital flight! While the Chinese named Filipino continue on investing in the Philippines!! Apparently they have more faith in the Philippines than those Spanish named entrepreneurs and capitalist!! Go figure!!

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Peter asked - " Where was GOD?" Where indeed! Must be spreading him/herself too thin and can't minister properly and effectively like a Filipino politician with so many "side-interest" and personal ulterior motives.

Name: Phil Researcher
City/State/Country: LA County, CA USA
IP Address:


Re: Filipinos who have been sentenced to death in Foreign Countries...I believe there should be big signs at the NAIA, warning departing Filipino passengers against carrying illegal drugs into other countries. The Ph government is not responsible if you are caught in the Customs Office of any foreign airport that you are carrying illegal drugs. And don't lame the government officials for your arrest. You knew it was a risk if you are caught don't say that because life in the P.I. is so difficult that you are forced to carry illegal drugs. baloney, you are responsible for your own acts not the President of the Philippines.

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