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Selected Comments
(Topic: Is Vice President Jejomar Binay the Manchurian Candidate?)

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


A blogger had stated his objections about the use of "Manchurian Candidate" in describing Binay. Well, the use of "Manchurian Candidate" was not meant to be exact. It was meant as a metaphor. The Manchurian candidate did not "publicly support China but in reality opposed it", as the blogger said. The Manchurian Candidate is a ROBOT who falls under the spell of his handler & will do as ordered when he hears the Phrase, "Raymond, why don't you while away the time by playing a game of Solitaire". The metaphor is that he is inside the establishment (just like Binay) when in fact he works for the county's enemy.

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


BINAY could go down in history as one of the greatest opportunists in contemporary politics! I believe he would do everything to get the presidency. Corrupt and filthy-rich as he is, he would make it sure he takes advantage of any opportunity presented to him in a perennially corrupt Phil. society.

Name: Big Juan
City/State/Country: Manila
IP Address:


Binay is not a Manchurian candidate because he is not brainwashed; and he works with his own will to establish his empire in the Philippines at all cost - even to the point of dealing with China by conceding all claims in the South China Sea. If he gets elected in the 2016 presidential election, Philippines will be under the rule of the shadow of his dynasty for the next 100 years until some wise patriotic Pilipino rises and topples his dynasty.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


I will not call Binay a "Sleeper Agent" either. A sleeper agent's commitment is political. Binay's commitments are pecuniary. His only concern is to amass limitless wealth and dynastic power. A sleeper agent would be a patriot compared to this thief & plunderer. The truth is Binay is an out & out Treasonous TRAITOR who should be stood before a firing squad & executed. China would love to see him become President. Think of his entire family & their capacity for plunder & you realizes the magnitude of the problem the PHL is facing.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


We can all be enraged all we want by the possibility that Binay might get elected President in 2016 but the fact is, as long as there are tens of millions of D/E classes of voters the country will always be in danger of falling into the hands of carpetbaggers. The has to be some plan to improve the conditions of the squatter class, or to eliminate them from the political exercise of voting. Otherwise the country will have nothing but riffraffs, thieves & ignorant, unqualified people as their elected leaders.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Filipinos should conduct a non-stop campaign to expose Jejomar Binay. They should do it until he is removed from any & all positions of power. The poorest filipinos in the slums most of all must be informed of this thief's activities & the harm he causes them. As it is only the brave Senators are pursuing the case against him & his family. It should be collective, nationwide effort. And the campaign should be started right now. They should disseminate the information about this guy through leaflets & media advertising. It can be assumed that this Thief already has a game plan to capture the Presidency. The objective must be to thwart it.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Why are you complaining about this Binay fella. You voted him into office and if he runs for president and if elected live with it. YOU DID IT. Listen, how hard is it to choose an honest man?

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Binays finally face graft raps, said the news. That's a good development. So finally the issues against these Larcenous people will be shifted from the Senate to the Courts. Now we will see how these Thieves will use & pervert the system to avoid answering questions about their crime. The father thief had always said he would answer questions in the proper venue. Here now is his wish. The Sandigan must be subjected to constant vigilance by the responsible Filipinos to make sure justice is served. But expect the power of money & the allure of corruption to be applied in full by these contemptible Thieves.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


I'm missing something. Binay is your Vice President, right. He's one heart beat away from being president and your NOW worried if he's a commie. What. This is just one reason the world laughs at you. You hire a fox to watch the hens, HAHAHAHA.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


As far as I know this is the first time a Father (who wants to run for President) & son, both occupying high offices were indicted for Graft in the PHL. Only the most indifferent & irresponsible people in the PHL would fail to see the import of that. Not even Marcos was accused of such massive Plunder before he became President. These Binays are just so totally shameless & consumed by hubris that they keep plugging on, thinking their ignorant D/E classes of supporters will not desert them.

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Someone commented - "VP Binay nagpatota sa China dahil tagilin sya 2016 election" Made me wonder-- is it better if he "nagpa-tuta sa mga Amerikano?" After all-Filipinos and their leadership has been "tutas" since 1900's after the defeat of Filipino rebolusinaryos!

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


To the blogger who commented that he was surprised Binay still has supporters despite all the accusations against him. My comment: Those supporters are all bought & paid for, especially the garbage Tabloids masquerading as reputable newspapers, whose owners, editors & columnists should all be thrown in jail for Libel. Read the contents of their trash and it's all in praise of Binay & condemnation of any effort to fight corruption. This has what the PHL has evolved into. A buy & sell Republic. This is why I keep saying that Democracy & Constitutional Freedoms should not be given to Filipinos because majority of them are not ready yet to undertake the responsibilities attached to Democracy.

Other Comments

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


In the news: "Recruiters Of Veloso Admits They Are Part Of International Drug Ring". This is what I've been bitching about all this time members of rings of criminals from kidnapping, drug, murder-for-hire to white collar crimes. Look at the mug shots of these criminals. Presumably, their shares in the criminal enterprises makes them look malusog, natty dressers, drive luxury cars. But WTF no! they are emaciated, shabbily dressed etc. Just look at the mug shots of recruiters of Veloso. What after their efforts, they are paid Philippine minimum wage?

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Las Vegas & the Boxing Promoters are apparently setting up the gullible public for another "Fight of the Century" SCAM. Press releases are abound about Law Suits against both fighters. And now Mayweather has allegedly called Pacquiao a "coward". Guys, all boxers do this prior to the announcement of a rematch. Let's all learn our lesson & remember it. That fight that they had was NO fight at all. And there's no reason to believe that a rematch would be different. All that will happen in a rematch is that the Boxers, Promoters, & Las Vegas will make more money & the public more duped. What the public should do is ignore them. Let them make fools of themselves.

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


A strong U.S. president (in the caliber of JFK, Reagan, FDR, and Bush Sr.) could have warned China with its extensive 'island building' that will later be used as a military base in West Phil Sea to satisfy its expansionist ambition.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Another mother is asking for the intervention of Aquino for the halt of execution of her son in Malaysia. Offense? Drug muleing. The govt. & the Filipinos should stop taking the cudgels for these unfortunate people. Because before you know it it will have become a national focus and a fodder for blame game (that next to Boxing Filipinos love so much). The country is being threatened with the election of a sinister crook. And more crooks are in jail waiting to be judged. There's the Moro & China problems. Drug Muleing is a personal risk they knowingly took. All they could expect is diplomatic assistance from the govt. I know. I know. Poverty & all that. Well, that's why it's important to convict the thieves & plunderers first before anything else.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City.
IP Address:


[Someone] again if the PNL staff tells me I'm not telling the truth will stop posting. But you see it's true the Japanese fella had sex with 12,000 young girls, Some as young as 12. WAITING.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Pastor Manny Pacman is now a man of God who preaches the word. And some of those words are, "now that I'm a pastor I don't pay taxes". Boxer, politician, basketball player, movie star, singer, military man and now a God Damn Pastor. Face facts he none of these things. He's not even a boxer anymore. What he is, is a man with money here who thinks he can make himself anything he wants. A grown man who has a child's mind.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


I wonder where Manny got his operation for his injured shoulder. The USA or Philippines and why. Of course he had it done by an AMERICAN doctor.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


[Someone] I feel your pain. You put your trust and faith in Manny and he lied for the love of money. He sold the Filipino people out. Me on the other hand put 10 thousand pesos on Mayweather.

Name: Lazarus
City/State/Country: Purgatory
IP Address:


Borrowing again from the words of an American who can't stand the sight of a lechon-baboy, I say the same to this creature:"I hate to see the face of this animal!"

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Someone who wanted to project himself as a man of knowledge made the claim that not one speaks of Christ as a prophet but a true God. Many religions who believe in Christ question his DIVINITY. Please do some more readings!

Name: Phil Researcher
City/State/Country: LA County, CA USA
IP Address:


Re: Reform the Judicial system..The CJ Corona was the only Justice , Chief Justice who was impeached..Remember the SC is a collegial body, Justices act together, not by one member so.. there is something wrong when only one person is removed from office..The ex-CJ's biggest mistake was underestimating the power of the Ph President.. Now that he realized his error, there is no going back as in fact he can't be pardoned by any subsequent President because it is in the Constitution that impeachment can't be subject of a pardon.

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