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Selected Comments
(Topic: Chinese Military Bases Under Construction on Philippine Reefs Must be Destroyed Now!)

Name: Mandirigma
City/State/Country: Northwest Territory
IP Address:


I totally agree with the editorial. The Chinese tricked the Philippines during a strong storm. The Philippines moved out of the Panatag shoal to shelter themselves from the dangers of the storm. The Chinese did not move out and the Chinese general was even bragging about it. The Philippines did not send its warship anymore to avoid confrontation and I think it was also from the advice of Obama. Our soldiers even said they would fight to their last soldier to defend our territory but Pnoy did not agree. Now we are in a graver situation. It should be a do or die. I think Japan and Australia would help the Philippines in case war breaks out between China and the Philippines. " Sa manlulupig di ka pasisiil".

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Enrile, Estrada, Maceda, Saguisag, Salonga (who is quite ill) are Senators who are still around that smugly shut down the US Bases, preening around like heroes & pontificating about "Nationalism". Or hypocritically worrying about the presence of nuclear weapons that might serve to pulverize the PHL. Has anyone heard from any of them about the China intrusions now? Where is their Nationalism now? And can they tell China what to do with the bases being constructed, like don't put any nuclear weapons in them? The tragedy of the PHL. The supposedly Best & Brightest of their leaders are at best, bookworms whose knowledge of Theories are impressive. But bring them down to earth to confront reality? ZERO is what they are.

Name: Mang Cesar
City/State/Country: Philippines
IP Address:


I agree that these "Chinese Military Bases Under Construction on Philippine Reefs Must be Destroyed Now!". But the big question is who will destroy them? Certainly not the Philippine Government. This is easier said than done.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


The destruction of whatever structures built by China on the reefs is impossible. The Philippine government could not act unilaterally. It has to be joined by her Southeast Asian neighbors including the USA and Australia. If the Philippine government acts alone, it has to sustain the attack. The ability of its Armed Forces to carry a full blown attack is limited to several hours of ammunition and fuel. Let us do away with this false bravado proposed by the guest editor. One's ambitious dream could turn into a nightmare.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Ted Laguatan, the writer of this Editorial is a Filipino of the old school which is why he still thinks bravely when confronted by problems regarding Patrimony. His era has passed. His kind has been replaced by double dealing, wheeling dealing Filipinos. Since his time the PHL has been economically dominated by Chinamen with names like Henry Sy, Lucio Tan & Gokongwei. These foreigners pay Lip Service to the PHL, to be sure or make some high profile contributions. But let's be honest. If you were in their shoes would you give your loyalty to the PHL? What, give allegiance to Binay & Enrile? Laguatan should face it. His PHL no longer exists. It has been globalized.

Name: john
City/State/Country: angeles city
IP Address:


When the Americans were in the Pinas, lots of demonstrations. Now that China is doing what she is doing, WHERE ARE THE DEMONSTRATORS?

Name: Manuel C. Diaz
City/State/Country: Montclair CA USA
IP Address:


"Destroy the Chinese reclamation now"! How, with our "voodoo stealth bombers from Capiz" and our "rust bucket Philippine Navy? Or the Philippine Armed Forces can use now the 21 Huey 50 year old Helicopters that the Philippine Armed Forces bought from a USA scrap heap dealer!

Name: JRH
City/State/Country: Montreal, Quebec
IP Address:


The most important question is 'How will our gov't destroy these military bases?' By military action, sabotage, suicide bombers, drones, missiles, or whatever? All of the above is not doable. Swept military retaliation by the Chinese will be the consequence (quick & fast). They don't give a hoot what we & our allies do. Most of these installations & infrastructures are 100% complete, fully functional & operational. Their capability to protect these disputed islands is 100% assured & no matter what, they will not abide by any international law anytime soon. These noble intention or plan will not work.

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


"DFA Secretary del Rosario said he does not know of anything that could be done, except complain verbally", the Editorial said. This is just typical of the PHL where people are given high fallutin' titles with all sorts of power connotations but in reality they are nothing but paper pushers awaiting orders from above. Even if the Secretary wanted to act beyond verbal complaints he knows the PHL does not have the nitty-gritty to do such tasks. Filipinos can only look at this China problem and shake their heads. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


The guest editor opines that if the Philippines attacks China's structures on the disputed islands in South China Sea, Australia, US, Japan and neighboring countries will come to aid of the Philippines. That is wishful thinking. That is being too presumptuous! No naval blockade or economic sanctions will ever happen against China. Russia ceded Crimea and invaded Ukraine but USA and European countries did not intervene. Military solutions do not always yield the best results as we have seen that in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


"Destroy the Chinese Bases? If the PHL had the capability of doing that China would never have set foot on PHL soil, much less build a military base in the first place. But because China knew what became of the PHL, a country that does not have any friends to aid it militarily intrusions & constructions of bases are in order. Filipinos who have the intellect to address this issue are gone, living somewhere else mostly. And those left behind are so driven by their basic needs to pay attention to matters like China. All the PHL can hope for now is that the Chinese stop with the Bases. If they ever decide to occupy Mindanao they can do that too without any fear of Chinese blood being shed.

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Editorial sez- "President Aquino must definitely exercise courageous decisive leadership at these critical times. If he does not, China’s military bases will be completed. Aquino cannot afford to be shy in these critical times." SO what do you want Aquino to do-- declare war on China and hope that Uncle Sam will join in?

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


The Fantasy: PHL bombs & destroys the Chinese base. China retaliates. The USA & other countries arm up & come to the aid of the PHL. And in no time at all China retreats with its tail between its legs. And the PHL & its allies live happily ever after. The End. The Reality: PHL bombs the Chinese base & caused minimal damage because the bombs used were Vietnam era leftovers. China strikes back. The USA & other allies run to the UN. China ignores them. UN does NOTHING. Just to teach the PHL a lesson China constructs 5 more bases. Filipinos in other countries are outraged but Filipinos in Manila hardly knew what was happening. The "fun" in the PHL goes on. Sorry, no happy ending.

Name: manolo
City/State/Country: california, usa
IP Address:


Wow your statement "the Philippines must request from her mutual security partners the means to destroy these .......we have to destroy these future Chinese military bases now." besides being so unrealistic and unacceptable to our allies and friends, it exposes again the Philippines mendicancy, dependence and lack of spine. be creative, why not use the Palestinian tactic ? send two hundred or more small fast fishing boats loaded with high explosives and ram all those Chinese ships and dredgers. our allies and friends may disown and censure us. we'll, probably, get praises as well for standing up and being courageous. prepare for the consequences too .

Name: W. Lee
City/State/Country: New York, NY
IP Address:


Words are cheap ! What is your plan ?

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Your asking that the United States go to war over YOUR islands. What. Go to war with the Chinese so you cowards can sit on the side lines and watch. Fight your own battles. It's your own damn fault that this is happening.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


PNL, Let me quote you, "The Philippines must request from her mutual security partners the means to destroy these future bases now and assurance of full support against retaliation." My reaction: I am sure these type talks are now being discussed among the affected nations already.. I will be surprised if they haven't just yet. Problem is, things are easier said than done.. Especially if an ally is really not directly affected. I mean what will be invested here is not just money but lives because of our "KKK" (Katangahan, Kapabiyaan, Kakurakutan). We made the US weaker by kicking them out.. Now we want them back to sacrifice their young?

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Current Editorial calling for the destruction of the Chinese infrastructure being constructed in the west Philippine sea NOW (!) --- is like a mad dog baying at the moon! BTW- Vietnam is also doing their own island building exercise (!) -- so why not the Philippines? Walang Pera to do island building-- but may pera para maki pag giyera? Does not add up!!!

Name: Big Juan
City/State/Country: Manila
IP Address:


With his "no brainer" idea, maybe the author should replace Sec del Rosario? Maybe he should run in 2016 presidential election against pro-China Binay? Maybe he should go to those disputed islands and fire the first shot. Show some guts, Ted, call your Godfathers maybe they can help. Do not put the lives of our countrymen in danger while you sip your Champaign somewhere in Manhattan, New York? What an irresponsible comment which against PNoy's peaceful diplomatic legal way of solving the maritime issue.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


For something like bombing a Chinese Base there must be a united & collective act of the PHL govt., its Legislature & its Military especially. But the higher-ups of Congress, the Military & everyone else are busy Stealing & Plundering. Are you telling us that those people should drop & stop their stealing & plundering just to confront China? Come on. Get real.

Name: Isabelle
City/State/Country: Toronto
IP Address:


In your dreams Warhawk! You really BELIEVE that USA and its ally will fight for the Philippines? Just in case you have forgotten-- this is not the 1920-40's anymore of neo-imperialism of yore!! Philippines is not anymore a territory of uncle Sam!

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Editorial sez - "We really have no choice: We have to destroy these future Chinese military bases now." LOL!! Sure go ahead and draw the first blood--- then wait for the USA, Australia and Japan to come to the rescue-- cute strategic and tactical planning!!! Most likely the Philippines will be left alone to fend for itself in a hot war (and have another taste of Corregidor and Bataan!) and most likely will be forced to do wartime reparation (and increasing it with Filipina comfort women as a bonus!)

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


Show the world where you own these islands. You can't. The Chinese are there and they're not going anywhere. You really believe the world would choose you over the Chinese?

Selected Comments
(Topic: Is Vice President Jejomar Binay the Manchurian Candidate?)

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


As we all know the Manchurian Candidate, in the end killed those people who should really be killed. The Communist Traitors. Then he put the rifle under his chin & committed suicide. Boy, don't we all wish BINAY would DO the same?!

Name: WDC
City/State/Country: California
IP Address:


If Binay the most corrupt politicians will win this coming presidential elections, then the Filipino people are the most stupid and the dumbest living people in this earth.

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


'Why are you complaining about this Binay fella when you voted for him?", is what the PIMP derisively said. WRONG AGAIN, PIMP. The educated Filipinos did not & would not vote for this Crook. He was voted into office by the downtrodden, uneducated D/E classes that he was able to buy easily. In other words he was elected by people like YOU. You see in the PHL there are more illiterate & clueless people than educated ones. And this, by the way, is the reason LOWLIFE SCUMS like you could linger in the country indefinitely.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


[Someone]: By definition a sleeper agent is a person who is made a spy of China in the host country if the term was applied to Binay. He is activated when the time is ripe. On the other hand the term Manchurian candidate is simply the opposite. He is anti China publicly but shows his true color at the opportune time. Binay's views on China show no public opposition or hostility against China. Binay supports the Philippine government position's on the disputed islands in West China Sea. Friendship with China's ambassador to the Philippine is not indicative that Binay is China's man! I would not dare make that conclusion.

Name: brad
City/State/Country: chino hills,calif.91
IP Address:


You are corrupt as Vice President, as your son as mayor in Makati, and your daughter as congresswoman. It does not help the poor man.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Jejomar Binay will never be elected president. His popularity has been severely affected by scandals after scandals as former mayor of Makati to his position as current vice president. The senate is relentless in exposing his flaws. Binay is being challenged by Erap, the NPs and the ruling party. Binay could not stand on his character as a trustworthy skipper of the nation's ship. He desperately needs a vice president as running mate to boost his stock. One with a strong name recognition as Pacquiao or an entertainment celebrity like Vilma Santos. A strong senate slate may help prevent a further slide in his popularity. The above solutions may not be readily accessible to him. Time may not be on his side this time.

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


For the information of many, Marcos was never indicted for plunder in both local and international courts. In spite of the senate hearings, Binay had never been indicted by the Ombudsman. All were allegations. Only an indictment will stop or derail Binay's run for the presidency. It was only Erap who was found guilty of G&C and it involved not even taxpayer's money but jueteng money. The guilt of Gloria as a plunderer has yet to be established. Mubarak will be freed in Egypt after 3 years of litigation. Morsi, Mubarak's successor was found guilty as charged in just a couple ot years. The justice system is a laughing matter here! Cynicism is very evident among its people.

Name: HMS
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


What Law? News reported that the SC will test the immunity of Binay from Lawsuit. WHY IS IT that every time a big politician or govt. official is accused of wrongdoing it's ALWAYS UNCONSTITUTIONAL? What good is such Constitution if it is used to protect CROOKS? Is this what Democracy is?

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


As I have written earlier the descriptive term Manchurian Candidate does not apply to Binay. Someone needs to Google to know what this phrase means as well as a Sleeper Agent. The former would publicly portray himself as anti- China when in fact he is pro- China. A sleeper agent remains incognito.

Name: oliver
City/State/Country: san jose philippines
IP Address:


Binay will prioritized the welfare of Filipinos. He must win the presidency. we need his leadership skills to make the country strong and progressive country.

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


If someone thinks that the motivation of a sleeper agent is political, does being a Manchurian Candidate makes Binay's motivation apolitical? It could not be religious because China does not have a God.

Other Comments

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


[Someone] is trying to rile us up by mocking & denigrating Pacquiao. He thinks we are in the same level as the ignorant D/E classes in the PHL who idolize Boxers & Artistas. This is obviously the only type of Filipinos he has had interaction with (other than the cheap prostitutes, of course). This goes to show that the only purpose of this homeless vagrant in posting comments is to insult & upset filipinos, not to participate in our discussions. Well, PIMP, I have news for you. Pacquiao to us is a Boxer. PERIOD. Having said that I still point out the fact that after all is said & done you are still not fit to hold his soiled underwear because you are nothing but a STREET LOWLIFE.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


Lighter side of life-Another one of the dirtiest jokes on Earth. Check this out: A jerk was so fed up with normal sex, so when he went to a brothel a asked the "kabisi" for kinky sex. KABISI: "For 200 bucks, why don't you try the chicken?" JERK: "OK". So with the chicken, the jerk did. The following day, the jerk went back to the brothel. There was a commotion, so he asked the "kabisi". JERK: "What's the crap is all about?" KABISI: "OH, a jerk is having it with a dog. For 100 bucks you want to see it?" JERK: "Sure!" And he shell out his 100 bucks. While watching, the jerk talk to another jerk next to him. JERK !: "Wow! this is great!". JERK 2: "That's nothing; you should have seen what a jerk did to a chicken yesterday".

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


Lighter side of life-Another one of the dirtiest jokes on the planet (a rehash): Earth sent a female astronaut to explore a nearby planet they believe is inhabited. Surely, when she landed on the shore of the planet's ocean, she saw a nude man with an erection carrying a basket full of clams. FEMALE ASTRONAUT: "I'm sure the clams are for dinner but what do you for sex here?" NAKED MAN: "Sex? what's sex?". The astronaut was just to glad to demonstrate to the man what's sex. Afterward she asked ASTRONAUT: "How was it? did you like it?" MAN: "Yes, it was great! but look what you did to my clam digger!"

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


What are you doing in the PHL [someone] Are you getting benefits from the dollar remittances of the OFWs? It takes rock like SHAMELESSNESS to be staying in a country you BACKBITE endlessly. Even MONKEYS don't do that.

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Out of current topic but equally disconcerting. I was watching the current "Trillanes Show" in the senate regarding pegging Binay to supposedly scams involving the Binay family. I can't help but be reminded of the techniques and method of Senator Joseph McCarthy of tarnishing everyone in his sights as being "commies" or Commie sympathizers-- without presenting real INCONTROVERTIBLE facts and proofs. So far they are all innuendoes, hearsays and testimonies of questionable witnesses with personal ulterior motives including political vendetta.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Headline: A New list of Politician Plunderers was released by the COA. Well & good, but what will ANYONE in the PHL do about it? For as long as there is a "Democratic" govt. in the PHL there will always be PLUNDERERS. Abolish that nest of Thieves called Congress & impose a Lee Kuan Yew form of Martial rule for as long as needed & maybe the ransacking of the country will stop or at least decrease.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


In the news: "SEAG-Bound Athletes In "Near Peak Form".-I guess "SEAG" is South East Asian Games. Whenever event like this is in the news, it reminded me way back then of something when the Asian Games were nearing; something which is not unusual but should not have been allowed. Check this out: When we went to a "casa" (you know what it is) at Taft Ave. and while having a drink before making some "action" we were surprised when 4 (was it more?) of the best basketball players of PH team came out of the rooms. D.F. (to protect his integrity) even borrowed my comb! When asked whether they are supposed to be "quarantined", already, they just gave a big laugh. I hope it's not happening in the current crop of PH athletes.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


News Item: Lito Lapid's son, Mark to run for Senator in 2016. My goodness! I can't wait. Another "Brilliant" mind to run the Senate. These artistas. They're such an "Illustrious" breed. The D/E classes already have one slot for Senator already filled for 2016.

Name: deo
City/State/Country: flour-flower city
IP Address:


[Someone]: Talagang mahina ang kokote mo! Those who question the divinity of Christ are not Christians. Check this out: One group of people who does not question the position of Jesus but believe Christ is a Prophet are not Christians; they called themselves Muslims. And the other group that believe in Christ ("Jews For Christ") are not Christian either. They are Jews. Now, who are those Christians you said, that questioned the Divinity of Christ? In other words, don't call yourself a Christian when you have doubt about his Divinity. Either you are Christian because you don't doubt Christ or you are something else. You and the doubters should not even call yourself a Muslim or Jews. At least the two groups gave honor to Christ in their own way.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


I see it this way. This plunder, stealing, if 51 percent of the politicians, police and judges, military and the population were honest these monies would never go missing. But the vast majority of you are dishonest.

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


The fact is this Japanese fella who had paid sex with 12,000 minors did not happen in the Philippines but in Japan. Why does [someone] have to wait for PNL to tell him that what he posted was a fat lie. PNL is even posting inaccurate things that have to be debunked or dismissed as bull.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


1 June 2018 - Manila Time. President Binay under investigation for plunder. HAHAHAHAHA. I have to tell you folks are so funny. You know that this silly post is going to happen.

Name: Edward
City/State/Country: Angeles City
IP Address:


The storm will be coming soon. The say 25 this year. Now most normal people would be get ready. Boats, storing food and water, training the troops but not here what you people do is get the phone numbers to all the countries in the world so again you can beg for help. You people talk like your so important. You're nothing but beggars.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


To all my fellow bloggers (except the PIMP). Please excuse my terrible hunt & peck typing, which at times make incomplete or grammatically wrong statements. You probably experience the same thing that sometimes your thoughts race so much faster than your fingers that before you know it you've committed an error. However, I am confident that you could connect the dots & fill in the missing letters, or remove the excess for my comments to make sense. I apologize.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


"But you see it's true that the Japanese fella had sex with 12,000 girls", The PIMP said. My reply: You are not just a PIMP. You are an EFFIN' LIAR too. And by making that statement you had proven that you are the one who is SHAMELESS & NOT the Filipinos. Didn't you say "12,000 Filipino Girls?". Didn't you say you will stop posting if proven to have stated a lie? So now you are saying they were just 12,000 girls? NOT FILIPINOS? You are like a SNAKE slithering out of a tight place.

Name: Haniya
City/State/Country: India
IP Address:


Borrowing again from the words of an American who can't stand the sight of a lechon-baboy, I say the same to this creature: "I hate to see the face of this animal!" LINK

Name: Marie
City/State/Country: Batangas
IP Address:


I don't know if I am a successful fortuneteller or not. When Manny Pacquiao denied the Catholic Church, I had in mind his downfall, the defeat in his fights. Before he's a victorious one, famous as a good fighter but good impressions turns to bad. He didn't maintain his good image. He hates to bring the Rosary anymore. He wanted people to be impressed on him as a pastor, knowing the Words of God. But, God don't like hypocrites... not all calling Him are on his side. Manny is the source of peoples gambling habit every time there's a fight. He teaches wrongly, some are not according to the true teaching of the Catholic Church.

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


The naiveté of this man who calls himself [someone] strikes me. It is so stupid to be asking where Manny will get his surgery for his shoulder injury. Please ask a better question and you will get a better answer.

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


[Someone] was wrong in saying that any person who had been removed from office through the impeachment process could not be pardoned. Erap was impeached and pardoned by Gloria. Corona could be pardoned but he could never be appointed as chief justice. It would cause a political uproar and devastating effect on the judicial system.

Name: Peter Ong
City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


An American who can't stand the sight of a lechon baboy or roasted pig has not gone to Hawaii or is culturally ignorant. Roasted pig is served in Hawaii's luau parties. Perhaps Lazarus is using the word pig as a metaphor. The word pig is derogatory but a source of food for men. Care to have lechon from Cebu?

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


Jews and Muslims recognize Jesus Christ but they don't accept Him. Neither do they respect him as a prophet / messiah or savior of the world. [Someone] should have known that. Is {someone] a Filipiknow?

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