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Selected Comments
(Topic: Chinese Military Bases Under Construction on Philippine Reefs Must be Destroyed Now!)

Name: Art1234
City/State/Country: Gotham city
IP Address:


The desires expressed by the article are fine and noble. But the author cannot assume that PH today is militarily prepared offensively and defensively, like other countries such as Israel. Although surrounded by enemies in the Middle East, Israel can attack it's enemies offensively in critical areas, knowing at the same time that Israel can defend it's motherland adequately in case of retaliations. While PH rebuilds it's military offensively and defensively, arbitration such as PH's case at the UN tribunal and other peaceful means, may only be other ways to resolve PH's conflicts in the disputed waters today.

Name: Wilh. Smith
City/State/Country: Australia
IP Address:


A very powerful way of fighting China's building of illegal islands is to schedule specific dates of public demonstrations in front of Chinese embassies around the world. Journalists and reporters should be invited so that it will be published in all newspapers and in television . This way the whole world will know the dangerous situation in the South China Sea. Pamphlets should also be distributed during the demonstrations to explain that China is Claiming 90% of the South China Sea and bullying the countries around the area. The government heads of these countries and their Foreign Ministers should plan on the specific dates when to hold the demonstrations In this way, words would be more powerful than the gun. Please inform Foreign Secretary del Rosario about my suggestion.

Name: Whew! Omg!
City/State/Country: Dumaguete City
IP Address:


"Chinese Military Bases Under Construction on Philippine Reefs Must be Destroyed Now!"??? For goodness sake are you serious??? Do you even know how what you are saying ??? WAR is what you're saying. You know that???

Name: Hit&Run
City/State/Country: ONTHEROAD
IP Address:


With all due respect to the editorial writer, thanks for the warning albeit the facts are so well-known and over-indulged already. Familiar as it may seem, all we have done here is bare or reveal problems, both real and imaginary, confronting the nation and recommend actions but offer no appropriate solutions. The advice that these installations "be destroyed now" is either wishful thinking or foolhardy if not impossible for the Philippines to accomplish whether overtly or covertly. Even the world community will agree that it's too late unless the Great Uncle will do something VERY DRASTIC. Then, may God bless of us!

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


A poster said - " I think Japan and Australia would help the Philippines in case war breaks out between China and the Philippines. " Sa manlulupig di ka pasisiil". " Unfortunately- the only way to find out is if Philippines will declare war or do something that will precipitate one! BTW-- to those war hawks here-- were you old enough to see and remember the havoc and suffering incurred when the Philippines was the battle ground during WW2? The statement that "War is Hell" has a ring of truth to it-- especially when it is not the "Hollywood" portrayal of war!!

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


[To the editorial writer], Let me quote you, "We need to destroy these bases now. We really have no choice." My reaction: I agree. How? ASEAN is not solid behind a unified resolution. Each member has its own approach obviously apprehensive about the use of war... and if we do go to war just what are our variables?

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


Editorial sez- "If China retaliates against the Philippines in any manner or form – military, economic or otherwise – she will face the same retaliation from the United States, Japan, Australia, Vietnam and other allied nations.” PIPEDREAM!!!! If China retaliate and there is a fight ensuing--- do you realize that the Philippines will be the immediate battleground? When elephants fight-- the small ant underfoot gets trampled on!!

Name: don tonto
City/State/Country: ormoc
IP Address:


The islands are lost, the real problem is Palawan, the masterpiece too close to the South China Sea. A false move and Fu-Manchu will take all. Our beloved Filipinas is only a pawn. My eyes are full of tears fearing this event. My Palawan buried under a giant China. Who will remember my native beauty, lost in a Chinese sea.

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


Before we argue who owns Panatag we have to understand the Scottish principle which states that possession of a property personal or otherwise in nine-tenths of the law. Actual possession could be challenged with documentation. The property goes to the rightful owner.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Suggesting to "bomb & destroy" the Chinese base is an understandable bluster from a frustrated & an end-of-his-wits Filipino. But no matter how we look at the situation there really is NOTHING the PHL can do to stop it. All it can hope to accomplish is to keep the conversation going by filing complaint after complaint with the UN (or any other International organization). The PHL can only hope that other countries would feel threatened by China's actions & launch a concerted effort to stop & neutralize the Chinese. But even then the PHL will still have lost its lands.

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


It seems there is NO STOPPING for China as far as its hegemonic /demonic ambition. Only AMERICA (even without the supporting voice of Britain, Germany, Canada, Spain, and Australia) can deter it with a final ultimatum.

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


"The 356 residents of the remote Manila-held coral outcrop they will soon be forced out by China's aggressive land grab, in a conflict fought, so far, with dredgers and cement." This Pagasa Island is just 433 kms. from Palawan and one of the residents said 'we will be forced to go back to Palawan once Chinese the military overruns us.' Tsk tsk tsk! LINK

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Who knows? Once the Chinese Complete the construction of their Base & other military Installations on PHL soil a TSUNAMI might come & destroy everything they have built. In such a case let's hope the TSUNAMI also destroys Binay, Enrile, Revilla, Arroyo, Estrada, Napoles & all the other crooks & thieves all in one fell swoop.

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


Someone said, "" LOL!! Sure go ahead and draw the first blood--- then wait for the USA, Australia and Japan to come to the rescue-- cute strategic and tactical planning!!!" My reaction: It's one thing to regret and learn from the experience and map a strategy and its quite another to be a coward from the very beginning. Sure China is a strong country but should we fight them in their own game? That's dumb. Nevertheless the coward will provide no solution at all. Nothing.

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


I have said ONLY Uncle Sam can deter China from its hegemonic /demonic ambition. Even if China is now feeling cocky with its nuclear arsenal, somehow its leader XI JINPING (chairman/general secretary of Communist Party of China) would be made TO RECALL what had happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki once FINAL ULTIMATUM is issued! What we need is a STRONG American president who has the moral agenda to stop evil in our time.

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


The evils of the past (Hilter, Mussolini, Hussein, OBL, war-lords & dictators of Africa and Mideast) were now gone with the help of Uncle Sam. Now, in our contemporary time man-kind is once again confronted with a modern day EVIL. And only America can confront it. PUTIN and XI JINPING are the figurative 2 faces of evil of our time. If no UK, no France, nor Germany can confront them. Then ONLY America can take them one by after another, or even simultaneously. But we need a really strong American pre-sident who can be gutsy to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and determined to confront them in a decisive manner!

Name: Sam "The Mercenary"
City/State/Country: San Diego California
IP Address:


What we should do is this, We now we have to approach the matter with all the countries affected and unfortunately, not all of ASEAN is on the same page. Vietnam plays a crucial role here and we have to establish a strong relationship with this nation. We have to realize by means of confidentiality what every country can give and what are its limits. We can not stop China now but we can build up our defense material assets that will collectively confront China one day... China has one glaring weakness... Food. It doesn't have enough food to sustain itself in the event of a major war. It's land is only 20 percent fertile.

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


[Someone] opines, " Fight your own battles." SIR, you are downright wrong. South China Sea/West Phil Sea is ought to be FREE of Commerce and navigation. It is definitely within utmost interest of USA (which has a lot trading partners in ASEAN countries) to protect it from a bullying giant (China) who will impose its unilateral 'rules' after declaring the vast expanse of international water as part of their sovereignty including the air space above. Chinese leaders may later impose 'taxation' on those commercial vessels plying within that expanse & as well as airliners using the air space above it; it threatens peace in the region, and the world. That sucks! A strong US president cannot accept that scenario.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


You know, if you think about it China's activities are not so bad compared to the other demons besetting the PHL. The graft & corruption of Crooks like Binay, Enrile, etc., the troublemaking Moros, the grinding poverty & chaos of overpopulation, the lack of improvement in the life of the Have-Nots, the deteriorating Infrastructures & law & order....and so on ad infinitum. The question really is which problem to "Bomb & Destroy" first. But the Filipinos are tired of "fighting" (for nothing). So the first chance they get they leave the country.

Name: BBaja
City/State/Country: VA BCH, VA, USA
IP Address:


I like the editor's idea to destroy, but we all know PH isn't capable of doing. The only way is to build Nukes so PH will be a Nuke Country like Israel, India, Pakistan & N. Korea. You see, they're not being bullied. Let's see what these commies would do. Let's get all the brainy Pinoys both locally and abroad and let them work with our gov't to start building Nukes for our protections. At the same time, let our gov't start allocate big budget for building firepower (Air Force, Navy & Army). I'm willing to donate a million bucks!

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


We don't really know what is really inside the brain of a brutal dictator in the likes of VLADIMIR PUTIN and XI JINPING. Whether a dictator's skull is already infiltrated with a centipede, a cockroach, or a beetle. What is the agenda of Putin in annexing Crimea or what is the agenda of Xi Jinping of declaring that South China Sea is part of its sovereignty? Until a 'breaking point' is reached and the strong US president would say 'enough is enough'. History has seen the invasion/annexation of Czechoslovakia by Hitler in the West, the massive build up of Japan's military power by Hirohito in the East prior to Tora Tora Tora!

City/State/Country: ONGPIN
IP Address:


Ownership is much easier to maintain if one is in possession of something than if one is not. This is an old Scottish principle that is being applied by China in those disputed reefs and shoals in South China Sea. For the Philippine government to claim that these disputed reefs and shoals belong to the country, she must show proof. China has the advantage here on the principle I cited:" possession is nine-tenths of the law"

Name: AsISeeIt
City/State/Country: Cebu City
IP Address:


This issue has been going on now for sometime now even during the time when China was still starting its project of 'reclamation' /dredging shoals, rocks, sediments, etc, in one of those disputed islands where there are several claimants. Obama, being a non-confrontational weak president did not do anything except lip service. Now, China being ruled by one party Communist Party of China is somewhat emboldened by a weak US president. XI JINPING has now been saying that based on old history Chinas owns South China Sea. But where was China when Spanish armada battles British royal navies in the region in 16th century. Where was China when US navy vessels from Subic were still roaming around South China sea?

Selected Comments
(Topic: Is Vice President Jejomar Binay the Manchurian Candidate?)

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


About the application of the Manchurian Candidate & definition of Sleeper Agent, I just want to say to my fellow blogger that my comments about those subjects were based on the Novel. In other words I was commenting from the perspective of the Novel, a brainwashed tool assigned to assassinate a prospective US Presidential candidate, which is why I said the Editorial was a metaphor & not an exact replica. I do not know from what context you are using them. I am not saying you are wrong. It's like you say Tomayto, I say Tomato. You say Potayto. I say Potato. The point is, Binay is toxic. A hidden assassin, so to speak, whose masters are the Chinese & waiting for a chance to strike, just like The Manchurian Candidate.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


"Friendship with China's Ambassador to the PHL is not indicative that Binay is China's man", a blogger remarked. My comment: That's true. But of course if Binay were China's man he would not show it. Which is why the Editorial raised the issue not as fact but as a question ("Is Binay China's Manchurian Candidate?") At the very least Binays socializing & failure to make comments about China's activities on PHL soil shows lack of DELICADEZA, considering the times. And to take it further he endorsed doing business with China! So what other impression could it give but that Binay is on China's side. And factoring all the corruption accusations against him one cannot help but conclude he would sell the PHL down the river & jump into bed with the country's intruders, China.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Binay WARNS Media about its printing of the Assets Freeze order of the CA. See how devious this man & his cohorts are? They would use everything, the Law especially, to hide their crime. This is like deja vu. It's Marcos/Arroyo all over again. They would like to intimidate, even tie up responsible media (like the PDI) in endless court litigations so the topic of the conversation would be about the Media's violations NOT Binay's Crimes. Imagine if this Guy becomes President!

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Before any action is done about the Chinese Base their friend & future facilitator Jejomar Binay should first be thrown in jail. For as long as this Master Plunderer is at large the PHL will not know peace.

Other Comments

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


"Aquino vows to go after allies in Pork Scam", the News reported. Well, if Aquino still cares to leave a positive Legacy this is his chance. He cannot be remembered as a great President. Not even an effective one. But if he could leave a Legacy that he fought corruption to the very end that would be something. It will also serve to make the Filipinos think kindly of his administration in case a crook like Binay succeeds him. Aquino should make it a point to pursue charges against those in the latest list of the COA, allies or not.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


To those who might want to catch a glimpse of the woeful condition of the PHL I'd advise them to read the Column of Jarius Bondoc in the Philippine Star today, 5/13/15. He titled his Column "The Breakdown of the Philippines". This Columnist is not one of those "Bayaran". In fact he is more allied with the Aquino administration than anything else. And yet his Column exposes the failures & venalities not just of the Aquino administration & govt. officials but of the country itself. This Column also explains why the poor & uneducated class of voters would rather support unqualified & useless Artistas & Thieves rather than "Harvard" graduates or other multi-degreed candidates. There are only 2 classes of people in the PHL. The HAVES & the HAVE NOTHINGS WHATSOEVER.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


"Me on the other hand put 10 thousand pesos on Mayweather", the drifter from Angeles city lied. Where would this vagrant get PHP10,000.00? Do PIMPS earn that much? Is that how much Tips he got from the Koreans? What a SHAMELESS LIAR this drifter is!

Name: Sam Juan
City/State/Country: Hilong Hilo sa Panay
IP Address:


[Someone] posted -" don't know if I am a successful fortuneteller or not. When Manny Pacquiao denied the Catholic Church, I had in mind his downfall, the defeat in his fights" THERE you go folks! Pacquiao lost because he "denied the Catholic Church"!!! What a profound insight! Following that logic--FM must be a devout Catholic!

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


Someone is so emphatic that those religions that do not accept the divinity of Jesus Christ are not Christians. They are protesting against the supremacy of the Pope. Hence they are bunched together as Protestants. Iglesia ni Kristo does not believe that JC is the son of God; neither does it accept JC as a prophet. Come on [someone] do not confuse others by spreading more ignorance and using your age as intellectual superiority.

City/State/Country: Ongpin
IP Address:


I have to expose publicly [someone] your Greco-Roman belief on the divinity of Christ as well as your ignorance. The divine Christ was the creation of Constantine in 325. Even Thomas Jefferson, an Anglican, casts doubt on the divinity of Jesus. So the question is: Is JC more human than divine or more divine than human? You would not dare respond to that kci malalim masyado ang tanong.

Name: HMSomeone
City/State/Country: USA
IP Address:


Referring to Filipinos [someone] said, "You are nothing but beggars." My comment: YOU are the Beggar, NOT the Filipinos. From Day 1 you have been posting insulting & demeaning remarks about Filipinos, JUST TO ATTRACT ATTENTION. You even include insults to defenseless Filipino Women to add poison to your ignorant comments. And why were you doing this? Answer: To BEG attention. Just look at yourself. Your FOUL MOUTH drooling with acid because nobody else pays attention to you. You know your kind - a LOWLIFE HOMELESS DRIFTER. And you cannot stand the thought of it. Beggar? If you don't close your mouth BEGGING for our attention all kinds of disgusting insects would fly into there.

Name: BBaja
City/State/Country: VA BEACH< VA
IP Address:


This guy [someone] has clearly indicated he has no patriotism and respect for the PH at all. We're talking about critical PH defense topic and he continuously insults our people and country. If he lives in the PH, he should be investigated and deported immediately to China.

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